A Bot Toolkit for Github!
Hamster uses Go Modules to manage dependencies. First Create a dist config file.
$ cp config.json config.dist.json
Then add your app_mode
, app_port
, app_log_level
, github_token
, github_webhook_secret
, repository_author
and repository_name
"app_mode": "prod",
"app_port": "8080",
"app_log_level": "info",
"github_token": "...",
"github_webhook_secret": "...",
"repository_author": "Clivern",
"repository_name": "Hamster",
"app_domain": "example.com",
"github_app_client_id": "..",
"github_app_redirect_uri": "..",
"github_app_allow_signup": "true",
"github_app_scope": "..",
"github_app_client_secret": ".."
You can config app_domain
and the rest of github app configs github_app_*
in case you need a github app not a personal bot.
Add a new webhook from Settings > Webhooks
, Set the Payload URL
to be https://hamster.com/listen
, Content type
and Add Your Webhook Secret.
And then run the application
$ go build hamster.go
$ ./hamster
// OR
$ go run hamster.go
Also running hamster with docker still an option. Just don't forget to update GithubToken
, GithubWebhookSecret
, RepositoryAuthor
and RepositoryName
inside docker-compose.yml
file. Then run the following stuff
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
Anytime github call hamster listen endpoint, there will be a callback that get called with incoming data. For example when you get a status change call from github, the StatusListener(status event.Status)
will get called. So do whatever you need inside this callback.
any event: any time listen endpoint get a call, the following callback get called.
// plugin/base.go
// Any Action
func RawListener(raw event.Raw) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Raw event listener fired!")
return true, nil
status event: any time a Repository has a status update from the API, The following callback get called.
// plugin/base.go
// Status Action
func StatusListener(status event.Status) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Status event listener fired!")
return true, nil
watch event: any time a User stars a Repository.
// plugin/base.go
// Watch Action
func WatchListener(watch event.Watch) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Watch event listener fired!")
return true, nil
issues event: any time an Issue is assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited, milestoned, demilestoned, closed, or reopened.
// plugin/base.go
// Issue Action
func IssuesListener(issues event.Issues) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Issues event listener fired!")
return true, nil
issue_comment event: any time a comment on an issue is created, edited, or deleted.
// plugin/base.go
// Issue Comment Action
func IssueCommentListener(issueComment event.IssueComment) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("IssueComment event listener fired!")
return true, nil
push event: Any Git push to a Repository, including editing tags or branches. Commits via API actions that update references are also counted. This is the default event.
// plugin/base.go
// Push Action
func PushListener(push event.Push) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Push event listener fired!")
return true, nil
create event: Any time a Branch or Tag is created.
// plugin/base.go
// Create Action
func CreateListener(create event.Create) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Create event listener fired!")
return true, nil
label event: Any time a Label is created, edited, or deleted.
// plugin/base.go
// Label Action
func LabelListener(label event.Label) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Label event listener fired!")
return true, nil
delete event: Any time a branch or tag is deleted.
// plugin/base.go
// Delete Action
func DeleteListener(delete event.Delete) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Delete event listener fired!")
return true, nil
milestone event: Any time a Milestone is created, closed, opened, edited, or deleted.
// plugin/base.go
// Milestone Action
func MilestoneListener(milestone event.Milestone) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("Milestone event listener fired!")
return true, nil
pull_request event: Any time a pull request is assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited, closed, reopened, or synchronized (updated due to a new push in the branch that the pull request is tracking). Also any time a pull request review is requested, or a review request is removed.
// plugin/base.go
// Pull Request Action
func PullRequestListener(pullRequest event.PullRequest) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("PullRequest event listener fired!")
return true, nil
pull_request_review event: Any time a pull request review is submitted, edited, or dismissed.
// plugin/base.go
// Pull Request Review Action
func PullRequestReviewListener(pullRequestReview event.PullRequestReview) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("PullRequestReview event listener fired!")
return true, nil
pull_request_review_comment event: Any time a comment on a pull request's unified diff is created, edited, or deleted (in the Files Changed tab).
// plugin/base.go
// Pull Request Review Comment Action
func PullRequestReviewCommentListener(pullRequestReviewComment event.PullRequestReviewComment) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("PullRequestReviewComment event listener fired!")
return true, nil
All current supported events and the future events will be available on plugin/base.go
. Also it is handy to add aditional callbacks so each event can have any number of callbacks.
Also please check the latest github webhooks guide.
In order to build an interactive bot, you will need to listen to a pre-defined commands that once your repo users type on an issue or a comment, your application get notified. Github don't support this by default but it is still possible to achieve this manually.
First you need to define you command and the callback on internal/app/controller/listener.go
, exactly like the test
// The default test command for issue comments
commands.RegisterIssueCommentAction("test", plugin.IssueCommentTestCommandListener)
//The new run command for issue comments
commands.RegisterIssueCommentAction("run", plugin.IssueCommentRunCommandListener)
// The default test command for issues
commands.RegisterIssuesAction("test", plugin.IssuesTestCommandListener)
//The new run command for issues
commands.RegisterIssuesAction("run", plugin.IssuesRunCommandListener)
Then define the callbacks on plugin/base.go
same as test
commands callbacks:
// Test Command Callbacks
// Test Command Listener for Issues
func IssuesTestCommandListener(command event.Command, issues event.Issues) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("IssuesTestCommandListener event listener fired!")
return true, nil
// Test Command Listener for Issues Comments
func IssueCommentTestCommandListener(command event.Command, issue_comment event.IssueComment) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("IssueCommentTestCommandListener event listener fired!")
return true, nil
// Run Command Callbacks
// Run Command Listener for Issues
func IssuesRunCommandListener(command event.Command, issues event.Issues) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("IssuesTestCommandListener event listener fired!")
return true, nil
// Run Command Listener for Issues Comments
func IssueCommentRunCommandListener(command event.Command, issue_comment event.IssueComment) (bool, error) {
logger.Info("IssueCommentTestCommandListener event listener fired!")
return true, nil
Now if you create a new issue or issue comment, the related callbacks will get notified with command object:
The command object will be
event.Command{Name=test, Parameters=[]}
event.Command{Name=test, Parameters=[option1]}
event.Command{Name=test, Parameters=[option1 option2]}
event.Command{Name=test, Parameters=[option1 option2 option3]}
event.Command{Name=run, Parameters=[]}
event.Command{Name=run, Parameters=[option1]}
event.Command{Name=run, Parameters=[option1 option2]}
event.Command{Name=run, Parameters=[option1 option2 option3]}
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/comments/#create-a-comment
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Replace Message with the message and 1 with the issue id
created_comment, err := github_api.NewComment("Message", 1)
if err == nil {
// created_comment.ID
// check github.com/clivern/hamster/internal/app/response/created_comment.CreatedComment for available data
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#create-a-label
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Get Repository label with name
// github_api.CreateLabel (name string, color string) (response.Label, error)
label, err := github_api.CreateLabel("Bug", "f29513")
if err == nil {
// label of type response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#get-a-single-label
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Get Repository label with name
// github_api.GetLabel (name string) (response.Label, error)
label, err := github_api.GetLabel("Bug")
if err == nil {
// label of type response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#update-a-label
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Update label name and color
// github_api.UpdateLabel (currentName string, name string, color string) (response.Label, error)
label, err := github_api.UpdateLabel("CurrentName", "NewName", "b01f26")
if err == nil {
// label of type response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#delete-a-label
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Delete label with name
// github_api.DeleteLabel (name string) (bool, error)
ok, err := github_api.DeleteLabel("CurrentName")
if ok && err == nil {
// label deleted
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#list-all-labels-for-this-repository
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Get Repository labels
// github_api.GetRepositoryLabels () ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.GetRepositoryLabels()
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#list-labels-on-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Get Repository issue labels with issue_id
// github_api.GetRepositoryIssueLabels (issueId int) ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.GetRepositoryIssueLabels(9)
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#remove-a-label-from-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Remove a Label from an Issue
// github_api.RemoveLabelFromIssue (issueId int, labelName string) (bool, error)
ok, err := github_api.RemoveLabelFromIssue(9, "bug")
if ok && err == nil {
// Label Removed
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#remove-all-labels-from-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Remove a Label from an Issue
// github_api.RemoveAllLabelForIssue (issueId int) (bool, error)
ok, err := github_api.RemoveAllLabelForIssue(9)
if ok && err == nil {
// All Labels Removed
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#get-labels-for-every-issue-in-a-milestone
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Get Milestone Labels List
// github_api.GetRepositoryMilestoneLabels (milestoneId int) ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.GetRepositoryMilestoneLabels(9)
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#add-labels-to-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Add Labels to an Issue
// github_api.AddLabelsToIssue (issueId int, labels []string) ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.AddLabelsToIssue(9, []string{"new-label", "another-label"})
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#replace-all-labels-for-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Replace all Labels for an Issue
// github_api.ReplaceAllLabelsForIssue (issueId int, labels []string) ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.ReplaceAllLabelsForIssue(9, []string{"new-label", "another-label"})
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#list-labels-on-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Get Repository PR labels with PRId
// github_api.GetRepositoryPRLabels (PRId int) ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.GetRepositoryPRLabels(9)
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#remove-a-label-from-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Remove a Label from PR
// github_api.RemoveLabelFromPR (PRId int, labelName string) (bool, error)
ok, err := github_api.RemoveLabelFromPR(9, "bug")
if ok && err == nil {
// Label Removed
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#remove-all-labels-from-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Remove a Label from PR
// github_api.RemoveAllLabelForPR (PRId int) (bool, error)
ok, err := github_api.RemoveAllLabelForPR(9)
if ok && err == nil {
// All Labels Removed
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#add-labels-to-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Add Labels to PR
// github_api.AddLabelsToPR (PRId int, labels []string) ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.AddLabelsToPR(9, []string{"new-label", "another-label"})
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
// for more info https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#replace-all-labels-for-an-issue
import (
github_api := &github.API{
Token: os.Getenv("GithubToken"),
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// Replace all Labels for PR
// github_api.ReplaceAllLabelsForPR (PRId int, labels []string) ([]response.Label, error)
labels, err := github_api.ReplaceAllLabelsForPR(9, []string{"new-label", "another-label"})
if err == nil {
// labels of type []response.Label
// err.Error()
You can enable other users to authorize your OAuth App. First configure the app credentials on config.dist.json
or docker-compose.yml
// config.dist.json
"app_domain": "example.com",
"github_app_client_id": "..",
"github_app_redirect_uri": "..",
"github_app_allow_signup": "false",
"github_app_scope": "", // It can be empty
"github_app_client_secret": ".."
// docker-compose.yml
- GithubAppClientID=ValueHere
- GithubAppRedirectURI=ValueHere
- GithubAppAllowSignup=true
- GithubAppScope= // It can be empty
- GithubAppClientSecret=ValueHere
- AppDomain=example.com
The github app should configured to use http://example.com/auth
as redirect URL.
If you run the application, the authorize URL on /login
page should be something like that:
If you click authorize and authorized the app, github will send you back to hamster /auth
route with a code and the state. Hamster will use that code to fetch the accessToken
for you or any user. You can use the accessToken
to do all subsequent github API Calls.
To create a status check:
import (
output := sender.Output{
Title: "CI Report",
Summary: "Output Summary",
Text: "Some Text Goes Here",
checkRun := sender.CheckRun{
Name: "CI Status",
HeadSha: "6c46684560f9fed86be6fd87f9dbaa91e4b242c9",
Status: "in_progress",
DetailsURL: "http://clivern.com/ci/5",
ExternalID: "43",
StartedAt: time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
Output: output,
var checkRunResponse response.CheckRun
github_api := &github.API{
Token: "5688665c9184800e...", # Token via a GitHub App.
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// method CreateCheckRun(CheckRun sender.CheckRun) (response.CheckRun, error)
checkRunResponse, err := github_api.CreateCheckRun(checkRun)
if err == nil{
To update a status check:
import (
output := sender.Output{
Title: "CI Report",
Summary: "Final Output Summary",
Text: "Some Final Text Goes Here",
checkRun := sender.CheckRun{
Name: "CI Status",
HeadSha: "6c46684560f9fed86be6fd87f9dbaa91e4b242c9",
Status: "completed",
DetailsURL: "http://clivern.com/ci/5",
ExternalID: "43",
CompletedAt: time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
Conclusion: "success",
Output: output,
var checkRunResponse response.CheckRun
github_api := &github.API{
Token: "5688665c9184800e...", // Token via a GitHub App.
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
// method UpdateCheckRun(ID int, CheckRun sender.CheckRun) (response.CheckRun, error)
checkRunResponse, err := github_api.UpdateCheckRun(25165135, checkRun)
if err == nil{
To get a status check with ID:
import (
var checkRunResponse response.CheckRun
github_api := &github.API{
Token: "5688665c9184800e...", // Token via a GitHub App.
Author: os.Getenv("RepositoryAuthor"),
Repository: os.Getenv("RepositoryName"),
checkRunResponse, err := github_api.GetCheckRun(25165135)
if err == nil{
We use google/logger under the hood, make use of it or use these simple functions:
import (
logger.Info("Info Goes Here!")
logger.Infoln("Infoln Goes Here!")
logger.Infof("Infof %s Here!", "Goes")
logger.Warning("Warning Goes Here!")
logger.Warningln("Warningln Goes Here!")
logger.Warningf("Warningf %s Here!", "Goes")
logger.Error("Error Goes Here!")
logger.Errorln("Errorln Goes Here!")
logger.Errorf("Errorf %s Here!", "Goes")
logger.Fatal("Fatal Goes Here!")
logger.Fatalln("Fatalln Goes Here!")
logger.Fatalf("Fatalf %s Here!", "Goes")
- Version 3.1.0:
Switch to go 1.11 modules.
- Version 3.0.1:
Fix ineffassign for some vars.
- Version 3.0.0:
More Enhancements.
- Version 2.0.0:
Add More Events.
Add Labels & Comments API to Github pkg.
Custom Commands.
OAuth Apps Support.
Check Runs Support.
- Version 1.1.1:
Add Logger Package.
- Version 1.1.0:
Add new events watch, issues and issue_comment.
Fix dockerfile & docker-compose.
- Version 1.0.0:
Initial Release.
Β© 2018, Clivern. Released under MIT License.
Hamster is authored and maintained by @clivern.