Merge and split PDF with a simple right click using itextsharp.
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- Split single PDF file into multiple PDF files (one for each page)
- Merge multiple PDF files into single file (sorted alphabetically)
- Convert PNG and JPG/JPEG images into PDF file
- FLAT all the comments into a single PDF
- If 2 files ares selected and one of them contain in the filename the word Cover, the cover will be replaced.
Default Digit = Set the number of digits into the filename when you split one PDF
Exit Confirmation = PDFUnisci will remain open until you press any key
Cover Function = If set to zero disables the function to replace the cover
Bookmarks = If set to zero disables the function to add Bookmarks when merge PDF
FlatOnlyFirstPage = If set to one FLAT only first page of the PDF
-b = Add Bookmarks
-s = Split all the files in dedicated folders
-flat = All the comments will be flattened
-singlePageSplit = Only the selected page will be splitted
usage: -singlePageSplit page number
-np = Create ad open a new empty page in a temp folder
usage: -np format size ("A4", "A3", "A0", "A1")
- Select all of the PDF;
- Right click on one of them;
- Select 'Send to' and then 'PDFUnisci';
- The PDF will now be joined.
- Select the PDF;
- Right-click on him;
- Select 'Send to' and then 'PDFUnisci';
- The PDF will now be split into a dedicated folder.
- Copy the files to a folder as you like;
- Double click on PDFUnisci;
- Type 'y' to create the link in 'send to';
- Now you can use PDFUnisci.
- Double click on PDFUnisci;
- Type 'y' to remove the link in 'send to';
- The shortcut is removed.