s3b is a powerful and user-friendly client designed to interact with the s3b-server, a self-hosted S3-compatible storage solution. This client facilitates seamless communication with the server, enabling efficient data storage, retrieval, and management within self-hosted S3 buckets. With an intuitive interface and robust functionality, s3b simplifies the process of handling S3 operations, making it an ideal tool for developers and organizations utilizing self-hosted S3 storage systems.
Install the s3b package
npm install s3b
For s3b-server
Installation go through this docs.
First of all make a config file for s3b & export bucket instance from it.
// s3b.config.js
import { Bucket } from 's3b'
const bucket = new Bucket({
baseURL: 'YOUR_s3b-server_HOST_NAME', // Ex: https://cdn.example.com
bucketId: 'YOUR_BUCKET_ID',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
export {bucket}
Now bucket instance can be used wherever it needed. Suppose, here we are using it to store user avatar, in user controller of your express app.
// user.controller.js
import { bucket } from '/path/to/s3b.config.js'
const avatar = req.file
const downloadUrl = await bucket.uploadFile('/user/avatar/user-1.png', avatar)
Method | Params | Description |
uploadFile | filePath , file |
filePath is the final destination of file on the server with file name (path/to/file/avt-user-9877.png ). And the file is the file object got from multer. |
uploadManyFile | dirPath , files |
dirPath is the target dir on server. files are file objects same as uploadFile . |
deleteFile | downloadUrl |
URL of the target file |
isExist | downloadUrl |
URL of the target file |
Copy | source , destination |
Both path are relative path from bucket |
Move | source , destination |
Both path are relative path from bucket |
readDir | dir |
Target directory path to list all files & dirs. |
makeDir | dir |
Create new directory recursively |
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Contributions to s3b are welcome! Here's how to get started:
- Open an issue or find for related issues to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch of the master branch and start making your changes.
- Make a meaning-full commit.
- Write a test, which shows that the bug is fixed or the feature works as expected.
- Send a pull request and wait until it gets merged and published.