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CEF Context Broker integration with the Big Data Test Infrastructure.
This Integration Solution connects a Orion Context Broker with a Cygnus, allowing the user to easily configure the storing of the context data in BDTIs file system (HDFS). The application:
- Manages CBs subscriptions to Cygnus (create and delete)
- Sets how and where the context data will be stored
- Automatically deploys Cygnus each time a change done in its configuration is done
All this information is provided by a configuration file that establishes the parametrics to do so.
CB-BDTI core component (cb_bdti/
) is a command line
interface application (CLI) that offers the commands and options needed
to work with the integration.
The following instructions will allow you to get a completely functional CB-BDTI environment. This is just a guideline about how to install and deploy the solution. Adapt it to your needs.
CB-BDTI has some requirements that should be accomplished before starting deploying it.
- Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 64-bit or later
- Python 3.6 or later
- pip3 9.0.1 or later
Update packages list in case you didn't do before (recommended):
sudo apt update
Python 3 is already installed in Ubuntu 18 distributions. However, in case you want to use Python 3.7, follow the next steps to install it.
First update packages list and install the prerequisites:
sudo apt install software-properties-common
Then add the deadsnakes PPA to your sources list:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
Last, install Python 3.7 with:
sudo apt install python3.7
You can verify if everything is alright just typing (it should print Python version number):
$ python3.7 --version
Python 3.7.3
pip3 will be used as the package manager for Python. It will be used for CB-EDP installation, so must be installed before starting the deployment.
After packages list update, install pip for Python 3:
sudo apt install python3-pip
You can verify the installation typing:
$ pip3 --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.7)
To install the Integration Solution, download this repository as a ZIP file and move it to the machine where you want to deploy it. Once you got it, install it using pip:
sudo pip3 install /path/to/cb_bdti.zip
It should have installed too every dependency (Click, configobj and
paramiko) of the CB-BDTI. In case it didn't or you aren't sure of it,
install them directly using requirements.txt
First unzip it cause it's on downloaded ZIP file:
unzip /path/to/cb_bdti.zip
pip3 install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
You can check it's installed launching show
pip3 command:
$ pip3 show cb-bdti
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: cb-bdti
Version: 1.1
Summary: FIWARE Context Broker instance integration with the BDTI
Home-page: https://github.com/ConnectingEurope/ContextBroker-BDTI
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
Requires: Click, configobj, paramiko, requests
Connecting to BDTI could be difficult because of its security measures. You will need to make a tunnel between Cygnus server and BDTI HDFS in order to allow Cygnus to persist context data. In the following steps this process will be explained just as a tutorial or guidelines that can help you to get a working communication between these applications. Adapt it to your needs.
First of all:
You will need a key file to HDFS server. This should be provided by BDTI team and it will be used to made the tunnel possible.
Copy hostname of every Data Nodes on the cluster. You can do this executing:
sudo -uhdfs hdfs dfsadmin -report
Now you need to install autossh in Cygnus machine. Update packages list in case you didn't do before and install it:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install autossh
Once it's installed, create the tunnel for Name Node from Cygnus machine replacing the values:
for the path of Bastion machine private key{namenode_port}
for the NameNode WebUI port (50070 by default){hostname_namenode}
for the hostname of Name Node cluster{bastion_username}
for the username of Bastion machine{bastion_host}
for the host of Bastion machine
autossh -i {bastion_private_key} -N -L {namenode_port}:{hostname_namenode}:{namenode_port} {bastion_username}@{bastion_host}
Then, create the tunnels for the Data Nodes from Cygnus machine executing the command for each Data Node you have and replacing the values:
for the path of Bastion machine private key{namenode_port}
for the NameNode WebUI port (50070 by default){hostname_namenode}
for the hostname of Name Node cluster{bastion_username}
for the username of Bastion machine{bastion_host}
for the host of Bastion machine
autossh -i {bastion_private_key} -N –L {datanode_port}:{hostname_datanode}:{datanode_port} {bastion_username}@{bastion_host}
At last, add for each Data Node the next line in {/etc/hosts}
file in
Cygnus machine replacing:
for the hostname of each Data Node of the cluster {host_datanode} localhost
You can test WebHDFS connection doing a curl
to localhost
on 50070
port for Name Node (by default) or 50075
port for Data Node (by
This project is licensed under the European Union Public License 1.2 -see the LICENSE file for details.
The Context Broker - Big Data Test Infrastructure enabler has been carried out by: