Unofficial Textual List View (Scrollable list of widgets)
While waiting for ticket (also mentioned here) and official ListView
, you can use this dirty version that allows you to scroll thrue list of widgets.
This is not pip package but you can install this with pip:
pip3 install git+
Then in code you can use it this way:
from ck_widgets_lv import ListViewUo
class TestListView(App):
async def on_mount(self, event: events.Mount) -> None:
await self.view.dock(ListViewUo([Placeholder(height=10) for _ in range(20)]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
or more complex example (from gif demo above):
from textual.widgets import Placeholder
from textual.widget import Widget
from import Message
from import App
from textual import events
from ck_widgets_lv import ListViewUo
if __name__ == "__main__":
from textual.widgets import Footer
class DeleteStatus(Message):
def __init__(self, sender: Widget):
self.to_delete = sender
class DeletablePlaceholder(Placeholder):
async def on_click(self, event: events.Click) -> None:
await self.emit(DeleteStatus(self))
class TestListView(App):
async def action_add(self) -> None:
await self.list_view.add_widget(DeletablePlaceholder(height=10))
async def action_add_index_2(self) -> None:
await self.list_view.add_widget(DeletablePlaceholder(height=10), index=2)
async def action_remove(self) -> None:
await self.list_view.remove_widget_by_index()
async def action_remove_index_2(self) -> None:
await self.list_view.remove_widget_by_index(index=2)
async def on_load(self, _: events.Load) -> None:
await self.bind("a", "add()", "Add Widget")
await self.bind("s", "add_index_2()", "Add Widget in index 2")
await self.bind("r", "remove()", "Remove Widget")
await self.bind("e", "remove_index_2()", "Remove Widget in index 2")
await self.bind("Click Widget", "_()", "To delete it")
async def on_mount(self, event: events.Mount) -> None:
self.list_view = ListViewUo(
[DeletablePlaceholder(height=10) for _ in range(7)]
await self.view.dock(Footer(), edge="bottom")
await self.view.dock(self.list_view)
async def handle_delete_status(self, message: DeleteStatus):
await self.list_view.remove_widget(message.to_delete)