The aim of the project is to build a money box controlled by an Arduino board.
The money box:
- accepts 0.50, 1 and 2 EUR coins;
- displays amount and number of coins on a 16 x 2 LCD;
- amount and number of coins are stored in EEPROM to survive power loss;
- rejects coins when its coin container is full;
- recognizes the owner via an RFID key fob (a Master tag is provided to change user's tag - e.g. in case of loss);
- secures the coin container via a solenoid lock;
The money box ('salvadanaio' in italian) has been nicknamed, following an established tradition, 'salvaduino'.
Arduino UNO (Rev. 1) / Atmega328
Arduino 1.8.7
- Gettoniera Programmabile (6 tipi di monete) (
- Display LCD 16x2 con interfaccia I²C (
- Modulo Read-Write per RFID - 13.56MHz (
- Mini Elettroserratura 12 Vdc (
- Misuratore distanza ultrasuoni 2-450 cm (
- Convertitore di livelli logici bidirezionale (
- Adattatore Strip/Morsetto per Arduino (
- #1 pushbutton;
- #1 passive piezo buzzer;
- #2 microswitches;
- #1 3mm red LED;
- #1 180Ω 1/4W resistor;
- #1 1KΩ 1/4W resistor;
- #1 1K5Ω 1/4W resistor;
- #1 3K3Ω 1/4W resistor;
- #1 BDX53 NPN Darlington Transistor;
- #1 1N4007 diode;
- #1 5V & 12V DC power supply;
- Beeper_1.0
- Button_1.0
- SolenoidLock_1.0
- UltrasonicSensor_1.0
- CoinAcceptor_1.0
- MFRC522 - Library for Mifare RC522 Devices (miguelbalboa) -
- Newliquidcrystal_1.3.5 - NewLiquidCrystal Library for I2C LCD (F. Malpartida) -
For more information, please check the Wiki for this repository.