This is my diploma work
- Project uses multithreading.
- Non-linear grid! You can reduce tiles count without loose accuracy.
- Simple usage.
- Work with tiles with different passability.
- Bulk pathfinding. Many start positions, one finish.
- Examples branch - look at other small projects
(Requires Unity version 2018.3.0b7 or above)
To install this project as a Git dependency using the Unity Package Manager,
add the following line to your project's manifest.json
"com.dasik.pathfinding": ""
You will need to have Git installed and available in your system's PATH.
Or you can just copy the folder 'Runtime' in your asset scripts folder.
//scan area
CurrentMap.ScanArea(ScanArea.LeftBottomPoint, ScanArea.RightTopPoint,
callback:() =>
//remove some area
CurrentMap.RemoveArea(RemoveArea.LeftBottomPoint, RemoveArea.RightTopPoint);
public class PathManager : MonoBehaviour
public PathFinding PathFinder;
private BulkPathTask<AgentScript> bulkPathFinderTask;
private SinglePathTask singlePathFinderTask;
public AgentScript agent;
public bool useBulkPathFinding = true;
public void Update()
// pathfinding can work with bulk operations.
if (useBulkPathFinding)
if (bulkPathFinderTask != null && bulkPathFinderTask.Status == PathTaskStatus.Completed)
foreach (var path in bulkPathFinderTask.Path)
//key is some class that can take a path
bulkPathFinderTask = null;
if (singlePathFinderTask==null)
if (singlePathFinderTask.Status == PathTaskStatus.Completed)
singlePathFinderTask = null;
public void SetPath(Vector2 targetPoint, double accuracy = 1d)
if (bulkPathFinderTask != null)
bulkPathFinderTask = null;
if (singlePathFinderTask != null)
singlePathFinderTask = null;
foreach (var item in ObjectGenerator.Instance.Agents)
//stop moving!
item.ApplyPath(new List<Cell>());
if (useBulkPathFinding)
// generate dictionary (object,position)
var objectsStartPosition = ObjectGenerator.Instance.Agents.ToDictionary(agent => agent, agent => agent.Position);
//finding path
bulkPathFinderTask = PathFinder.GetPathesAsync(objectsStartPosition, targetPoint);
singlePathFinderTask = PathFinder.GetPathAsync(agent.Position, targetPoint, accuracy);