A simple core data wrapper with synchronous and asynchronous helper functions. It supports SQLite, Binary and In-Memory configuration.
- Features
- Requirements
- Installation
- How to use
- Initialization
- Main context synchronous operations
- Add synchronous operation
- Add with properties - synchronous operation
- Fetch synchronous operation
- Fetch all entities synchronous operation
- Delete synchronous operation
- Delete all entities synchronous operation
- Update synchronous operation
- Update all entities synchronous operation
- Count synchronous operation
- Fetch properties synchronously
- Math operation synchronously
- Main context asynchronous operations
- Add asynchronous operation
- Add with properties - asynchronous operation
- Fetch asynchronous operation
- Fetch all entities asynchronous operation
- Delete asynchronous operation
- Delete all entities asynchronous operation
- Update asynchronous operation
- Update all entities asynchronous operation
- Count asynchronous operation
- Fetch properties asynchronously
- Math operation asynchronously
- Background context asynchronous operations
- Save main context
- Save background context
- Author
- License
- Singleton free
- No external dependencies
- Multi-threaded per se
- Multiple instances possbile with different model files
- Supports SQLITE, Binary and In-Memory store types
- Main context synchronous helper functions
- Main context asynchronous helper functions
- Background context asynchronous helper functions
- Free
- iOS 12.0+ / macOS 10.14+ / tvOS 12.0+ / watchOS 5.0+
- Xcode 10.2+
- Swift 5+
CoreDataWrapper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CoreDataWrapper', :git => 'https://github.com/Dilip-Parmar/CoreDataWrapper'
CoreDataWrapper is also available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "Dilip-Parmar/CoreDataWrapper" "1.0.0" //always use latest release version
CoreDataWrapper is also available through Swift Package Manager. To install it, simply enter given URL into "Enter Package Repository URL" search field of Xcode.
let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "com.myBundleId")
let coreDataWrapper = CoreDataWrapper.init(modelFileName: "Model", bundle: bundle, storeType: StoreType.sqlite)
coreDataWrapper.loadStore(completionBlock: { (isSuccess, error) in
let person = coreDataWrapper.addOf(type: Person.self)
let person = coreDataWrapper.addOf(type: Person.self, properties: ["fname" : "Dilip", ...], shouldSave: true)
let existingPerson = coreDataWrapper.fetchBy(objectId: person.objectID)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "fname == ", argumentArray: ["Dilip"])
let sortBy = ["fname" : true]
let allFetchedEntities = coreDataWrapper.fetchAllOf(type: Person.self, predicate: predicate, sortBy: sortBy)
coreDataWrapper.deleteBy(objectId: person.objectID, shouldSave: true)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "fname == ", argumentArray: ["Dilip"])
coreDataWrapper.deleteAllOf(type: Person.self, predicate: predicate, shouldSave: true)
coreDataWrapper.updateBy(objectId: person.objectID, properties: ["fname" : "Dilip", ...], shouldSave: true)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "fname == ", argumentArray: ["Dilip"])
coreDataWrapper.updateAllOf(type: Person.self, properties: ["fname" : "Dilip", ...], predicate: predicate, shouldSave: true)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "fname == ", argumentArray: ["Dilip"])
let count = coreDataWrapper.countOf(type: Person.self, predicate: predicate)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "fname == ", argumentArray: ["Dilip"])
let sortBy = ["fname" : true]
let properties = coreDataWrapper.fetchPropertiesOf(type: Person.self, propertiesToFetch: ["fname, "lname"...], predicate: predicate, sortBy: sortBy, needDistinctResults: true)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "age >= ", argumentArray: ["30"])
let properties = coreDataWrapper.performOperation(operation: .sum, type: Person.self, propertyName: "age", predicate: predicate)
coreDataWrapper.addAsyncOf(type: Person.self, completion: {
(person) in
coreDataWrapper.addAsyncOf(type: Person.self, properties: ["fname" : "Dilip", ...], shouldSave: true, completion: {
(person) in
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
let person = coreDataWrapper.fetchAsyncBy(objectId: person.objectID, completion: {
(person) in
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "age >= ", argumentArray: ["30"])
let sortBy = ["fname" : true]
let fetchedEntities = coreDataWrapper.fetchAllAsyncOf(type: Person.self, predicate: predicate, sortBy: sortBy, completion: {
(persons) in
}, completionOnMainThread: false))
coreDataWrapper.deleteAsyncBy(objectId: person.objectID, shouldSave: true, completion: {
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "age >= ", argumentArray: ["30"])
coreDataWrapper.deleteAllAsyncOf(type: Person.self, predicate: predicate, shouldSave: true, completion: {
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
coreDataWrapper.updateAsyncBy(objectId: person.objectID, properties: ["fname" : "Dilip", ...], shouldSave: true, completion: {
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "age >= ", argumentArray: ["30"])
coreDataWrapper.updateAllAsyncOf(type: Person.self, properties: ["fname" : "Dilip", ...], predicate: predicate, shouldSave: true, completion: {
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "age >= ", argumentArray: ["30"])
coreDataWrapper.countAsyncOf(type: Person.self, predicate: predicate, completion: {
(count) in
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "fname == ", argumentArray: ["Dilip"])
let sortBy = ["fname" : true]
let properties = coreDataWrapper.fetchPropertiesOf(type: Person.self, propertiesToFetch: ["fname, "lname"...], predicate: predicate, sortBy: sortBy, needDistinctResults: true, completion: {
(properties) in
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
let predicate = NSPredicate.init(format: "age >= ", argumentArray: ["30"])
coreDataWrapper.performOperationAsync(operation: .sum, type: Person.self, propertyName: "age", predicate: predicate, completion: {
(result) in
}, completionOnMainThread: false)
Background context asynchronous operations are same as main context asynchronous operations provided background context is passed to function. eg.
let newBgContext = coreDataWrapper.newBgContext
coreDataWrapper.addAsyncOf(type: Person.self, context: newBgContext, completion: {
(person) in
coreDataWrapper.saveMainContext(isSync: false, completion: {
coreDataWrapper.saveBGContext(context: bgContext, isSync: false, completion: {
CoreDataWrapper is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.