Read me Generator is generously distributed under the MIT license.
The application has a number of features which include:
Accepting user inputs When all the user inputs have been accepted then a completed team-page is rendered in the dist/ directory When the GitHub username is clicked, their profile is opened up in a new tab The default email program is opened when the email address of the employee is selected. name, employee ID, email address, path to stored img of employee, Managers can have their office number input and rendered, Engineers can have their github username input and rendered, Interns can have their school input and rendered.
1. Ensure that you have node and npm installed-
For detailed instructions on installing node please follow this link for instructions
Clone this repository into your local repository.
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm install
E11Evated, a highly passionate, focused; pragmatic software engineer 🧙♂️ Honorable mentions: Instructor David Fuka,,,
More details about the license can be found [here]( Have any questions about this project? Reach out! GitHub: