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ANIMINA Dating Platform

ANIMINA is a web based dating platform. In case you have a question do not hesitate to contact Stefan Wintermeyer

Screenshot of a demo ANIMINA profile


The current version a beta version. We appreciate all bug reports!

Please do submit bug reports or feature requests with an issue.


Project founder Stefan Wintermeyer gave a (German) talk about the first ANIMINA Beta at FrOSCon.

ANIMINA Installation Guide for Developers

What we assume:


If you wish to disable ML features (e.g., because of slow hardware), add DISABLE_ML_FEATURES=true before mix and iex commands.

Install Dependencies

We use asdf to handle the Elixir and Erlang version. You don't have to use it but in our opinion it is the best solution.

  • Install asdf (Get started guide)
    • asdf plugin-add elixir
    • asdf plugin add erlang
    • asdf plugin add nodejs

Clone the Project

  • Git clone the project with git clone
  • cd animina into the local project clone

Set Up the Environment

  • asdf install installs the needed Elixir and Erlang versions

Install Dependencies

  • mix deps.get
  • cd assets && npm install to install Alpine.js
  • cd ..

Database Setup

  • mix ash_postgres.create to create the database
  • mix ash_postgres.migrate to run migrations

Seed the Database

This step is optional, but very useful for development and demo systems.

  • mix seed_demo_system creates dummy accounts and lists them.

Start the Server

  • iex -S mix phx.server


Open http://localhost:4000 in your browser. You can create a new profile and visit the demo accounts. And you can log into the demo accounts. The default password of the demo accounts is printed at the end of the list of demo accounts after running mix seed_demo_system.


The User resource is the center of the system. In the very beginning of the registration process we also use BasicUser.

User States

The following user states change their visibility across the system:

  • normal - Standard account.
  • validated - This is a validated account, indicating that we are confident it belongs to a real person.
  • under_investigation - This account has been flagged by another user, an admin, or an AI for suspicious activity. They cannot log in.
  • banned - This account is banned. We retain it to block the associated mobile phone number and email address. They cannot log in.
  • incognito The user prefers to browse without being seen.
  • hibernate- The user wishes to keep the account but is not currently using it.
  • archived- The account has been deleted by the user. They cannot log in.

User Actions

To change the state of a user account use the following actions:

  • User.validate - This action is used to validate an account.
  • User.investigate - This action is used to flag an account for investigation.
  • User.ban - This action is used to ban an account.
  • User.incognito - This action is used to set an account to incognito.
  • User.hibernate - This action is used to set an account to hibernate.
  • User.archive - This action is used to archive an account
  • User.reactivate - This action is used to reactivate an account
  • User.normalize - This action is used to set an account to normal.
  • User.unban - This action is used to unban an account.
  • User.recover - This action is used to recover an account from incognito or hibernate.

If you want to for example hibernate a user with the username 'wintermeyer' you can run the following in IEX

{:ok, user} = Animina.Accounts.User.get_by_username("wintermeyer") Animina.Accounts.User.hibernate(%{user_id:})

  • To remove a user from a waitlist we use User.give_user_in_waitlist_access . After removing a user from the waitlist, the user will get an email notification that they can now access the platform. An example of how to give a user in the waitlist access via CLI is {:ok, user} = Animina.Accounts.User.get_by_username("wintermeyer") Animina.Accounts.User.give_user_in_waitlist_access(user)

  • To completely delete and remove a usr from the system we use User.destroy . If you want to for example delete a user with the username 'wintermeyer' you can run the following in IEX

    {:ok, user} = Animina.Accounts.User.get_by_username("wintermeyer") Animina.Accounts.User.destroy(user)

User Roles

  • We have 2 roles user and admin .
  • To make a user an admin , run the following in IEX Animina.Accounts.User.make_admin(%{user_id:})
  • To remove admin roles from a user , run the following in IEX Animina.Accounts.User.remove_admin(%{user_id:})


  • There are admin tasks we can do , for example adding points to a user.

Admin Actions

  • Adding 100 Points To A User

{:ok, user} = Animina.Accounts.User.get_by_username("wintermeyer") user.credit_points Animina.Accounts.Credit.create(%{user_id:, points: 100, subject: "Bonus Points"})

Enable Machine Learning features and servings

By default the server starts with ML features enabled. To disable running ML features:

  • set DISABLE_ML_FEATURES environment variable to true
  • ML dependecies are installed by default. If you wish to not install them run DISABLE_ML_FEATURES=true mix deps.get
  • For example to start the phoenix server in dev mode without ML features run DISABLE_ML_FEATURES=true iex -S mix phx.server

LLM We Use for the AI Features

For development and on our production servers we use Ollama. So should you on your development system. For development we use the Llama3.1 (8B) LLM. Install Ollama and than run ollama run llama3.1:8b to download the needed files for the LLM. You can configure the used LLM in config/dev.exs (search for :llm_version).

Swoosh Mailbox Server

To access all the emails sent to the mailbox server, go to localhost:4000/dev/mailbox in your browser once the server is running. Once you register a new account, you can see the email sent to the mailbox server for account verification.

Thoughts about the Frontend

Keep it simple. Let's not use JavaScript everywhere. Better ask first before diving into a JavaScript driven feature. Use Phoenix tools when possible.

We are doing a mobile first approach and use Tailwind CSS. Please don't forget a dark mode version when implimenting a new feature.


Install Kamal

Follow these installation steps to install kamal to your target platform.

Configure environment variables

Create a .env file in the root of the project and then copy the contents of .env.examnple to it.

To configure the database edit the following env variables


Kamal requires a registry where it can upload and cache the docker containers. This project uses github registry. To configure the registry, create a github token and grant it the write:packages access rights. Copy the token and paste it in your .env file under the KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD key.


The rest of the environment variables are similar but prefixed with the target deployment. To cnfigure for prod deployments, edit the variables with PROD_ prefix, for dev DEV_ prefix.

*_SECRET_KEY_BASE=<required-by-phoenix> //Use `mix phx.gen.secret 80` to generate this
*_CONTAINER_IMAGE=<the-name-of-the-container-in-the-registry> //Should start with your github username, followed by the container name

For example, here's a config for a prod environment


Initialize kamal

Run the following command to setup kamal both on your local instance and the remote host. You will be prompted to enter the password of the remote host. This command will check if Docker is installed and, if not, it will attempt to install it on your host server.

kamal server bootstrap

Deploy the application

To deploy the application, run kamal deploy. You will need to set the destinations flag -d followed by the destination name. For example to deploy to prod, run

kamal deploy -d prod

To deploy to dev, run

kamal deploy -d dev

The above command logins into the docker registry, builds the docker images locally, pushes the build artifacts to the registry and finally deploys the docker images to your host. Read more about kamal deploy here

To redeploy running kamal deploy will result in an error as our container is already running and bound to a port on the host. This is due to how kamal 2 works as seen in this github issue here.

To get around this, first run kamal app stop and then run kamal deploy. Be sure to specify the destinations using the -d flag.

Submiting Code

Please read the file.


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  • Elixir 99.0%
  • HTML 0.3%
  • Shell 0.2%
  • JavaScript 0.2%
  • Ruby 0.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%
  • Other 0.1%