Stochastic trace estimation for parameter-dependent matrices applied to spectral density approximation
Stochastic trace estimation is a well-established tool for approximating the trace of a large symmetric positive semi-definite matrix
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python -m pip install --upgrade pip
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python -m pip install pytest
We consider parameter-dependent matrices of the form
However, we assume that we only have access to products of this matrix with vectors for each
We can approximate the trace with the Girard-Hutchinson estimator: We take
Alternatively, the trace of a symmetric matrix whose singular values decay quickly can be approximated well by using a Gaussian sketching matrix
Then we can estimate the trace as
Finally, an estimator which corrects for inaccuracies in the Nyström approximation by estimating the trace of its residual using the Girard-Hutchinson estimator is
This is the parameter-dependent analogue of the Nyström++ estimator, which is based on the Hutch++ estimator.
The smoothed spectral density of a real symmetric matrix
for a Gaussian
which allows us to apply any of the above presented stochastic trace estimators to the parameter dependent matrix
whose coefficients
Finally the Chebyshev-Nyström++ estimator approximates the smoothed spectral density by applying the Nyström++ approximation to the Chebyshev interpolant
│ (file you are reading right now)
| requirements.txt (Python package requirements file)
| (script for easy reproduction of project)
└───paper (the LaTeX project for the paper)
└───reproduce (scripts which help setup and reproduce project)
└───algorithms (the algorithms introduced in the paper)
└───matrices (the example matrices used for the numerical results)
└───test (unit tests written for the algorithms)