Tremendously simplified event-driven modular-monolith ( microservice ready ) e-commerce platform with order processing service. Created with the fantastic trio: Go, Nats JetStream and Vue.js with rich CRUD operations and fun and luxury PrimeVue UI with it's integrated Tailwind CSS features.
Built in accordance with Hexagonal Architecture principles, this platform incorporates CQRS, gRPC-Gateway and VUE.js compiled files embedded via ECHO middleware, ... ensuring scalability, maintainability and high performance.
- Go 1.23
- NATS JetStream V2.10
- PostgreSQL
- gRPC-Gateway
- Echo 4.12
Let the gRPC minds it's own API business, the asynchronous event-driven communications exclusively implemented through NATS JetStream
The new on-demand Pull Consumers in JetStream substantially simplifies any event-driven mechanism: "Since each subscription is fetching messages on-demand, multiple subscriptions can be create bound to the same pull consumer without any additional configuration. Each subscriber can fetch batches of messages and process them concurrently."
Donwload this repo to your local PC; RUN:
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
after the launching completed, see docker compose logs to make sure that the database migrated and ready to accept connections also observe the satisfying JETSTREAM logo:
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$ docker compose logs -f
then, open these endpoints :
Service | URI |
ECHO-VUE proxy | http://localhost:4173/ |
Swagger | http://localhost:8080/ |
now, you as both Plaza admin and customer, follow the slides below ...
This is a development installation mode so that you can easily modify the code and the architecture both in frontend and backend stacks. For the sake of simplicity, i did not include any make or bash file, nor did i bound any package to this repo.
Before launching the Dev Mode gracefully shut down the above prod mode :
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down
First verify that GO is installed in your PC:
$ go version
go version go1.23.3 linux/amd64
the project requires that the NATS server and the PostgreSQL database are both up and running. Nothing is more cleaner than docker-compose to pull the images and to configure envs and volumes locally :
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$ docker compose -f docker-compose-Dev.yml up -d
enter into the docker compose logs:
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$ docker compose logs -f
uncomment these two lines in our main.go
// os.Setenv("PG_CONN", "host=localhost dbname=fizmathplaza user=fizmathplaza_user password=fizmathplaza_pass sslmode=disable ")
// os.Setenv("NATS_URL", "http://localhost:4222")
Compare our dev and prod docker composes. Analyze why those two lines should be un/commented.
In the /cmd
directory open another terminal; RUN:
/Fizmath-Plaza-main/cmd$ go run .
checkout the Swagger endpoint :
Service | URI |
Swagger | http://localhost:8080/ |
once you see the above endpoint up and running it means that the backend service is ready. For now do not mess with the Swagger, we have a nice frontend UI :
for any modifications to the project, the frontend VUE source code is available in the ECHO/VUE
first make sure that Node.js and npm are installed in your laptop :
$ node -v
$ npm -v
while still docker compose and the backend in cmd
are both up and running, open an another terminal int the /ECHO/VUE
directory; RUN :
/Fizmath-Plaza-main/ECHO/VUE$ npm install
this installs the freezed packages from package.json
Javascript's dependencies are something out of hell. Even packages that were frozen in place by package.json
, which were installed without any issues just yesterday, are now causing dozens of error messages and
deprecation warnings when simply re-installed today - with no apparent explanation or solution.
a new heavy folder node_modules
generated in the same directory; RUN :
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$/ECHO/VUE$ npm run dev
open this endpoint :
Service | URI |
VUE UI | http://localhost:5173/ |
this is a development server which auto-updates the browser when you save changes. Now you can make changes to the VUE's source code. For any pertinent backend changes you ought to re-compile the Go server in the /cmd
Once your are happy with your new modifications, you can update the embedded dist
folder by npm run build
for your ECHO
production server. Shut down the above server by CTRL+C
then RUN :
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$/ECHO/VUE$ npm run build
following re-freezing your dist
folder for production mode in this directory ECHO/
/Fizmath-Plaza-main/ECHO$ go run .
this launches the ECHO production server : main.go
Service | URI |
ECHO reverse-proxy | http://localhost:4173/ |
There might be a conflicting issue between our PostgreSQL
container and other dangling or running PostgreSQL
containers in your
PC, in this case shut down other running containers or remove dangling containers.
In the end, do not forget to remove the dev mode with grace, else you'll get ports already allocated errors for your next adventures :
/Fizmath-Plaza-main$ docker compose -f docker-compose-Dev.yml down
I downloaded the swagger UI from here. In our project we only need the dist
folder of the bundle. The contents of dist
pasted into internal/web/swagger-ui
. Follow *services*/internal/rest
folders to learn how to configure your own swagger endpoints.
If you modify any of the .proto
files, you ought to re-compile buf files; buf.gen.yaml; by running $ go generate
in the same directory.
I installed BUF in Ubuntu by Homebrew
$ buf --version
- gRPC-Gateway
in some dev cases in the same directory as go.mod
you might also need these:
$ go get \ \ \ \
Finally, for added assurance:
$ export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
$ PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/go/bin"
from the sidebar menu click the Plaza Admin page then enter your inventory name and location by clicking the +new
dialog :
every single entity in the project has it's own global uuid
unique identifier.
After creating some stores, by toggling participation, select stores that you want to participate in shopping. But first populate your
stores with products by clicking the Products
button which redirects to store's products page.
Click the +new
dialog to add your products. The SKU stand for Stock Keeping Unit, we need this
to demo order's OUT_OF_STOCK
Add more products to your stores :
by clicking Shopping
in the sidebar menu you see products of your stores which you toggled to participate.
Now, as a customer add some products to your basket :
click the Basket
button with a badge on it to review or delete your items then push Checkout
in the menubar :
first enter any name and phone number then click to get your customer's ID, then just simply push the Authorize
button to mock your payment.
After getting your Payment ID
the submit
button will be enabled, now you can submit your purchase :
after pushing the submit button click the Your Orders
tab then after a few seconds you see your initial order status pending
By submitting your order you just launched JetStream publishers and consumers messaging. Now things gonna to be interesting. While in the Your Orders
tab, wait a few seconds then refresh your order status by clicking the Refresh
button :
once your order accepted
the Pay
button get enabled, so either push it to get deliverd
status or click cancel
for whatever reason.
- Payment confirmation event
Within 5 seconds
your payment status will be double checked and confirmed here is the backend code.
Firstly, it double checks your payment ID, this is good for detecting frontend fraudulent activities. Since your authorized payment amount was in the past time, you may have spent some money before submitting the current order. in our demo this is always verified as true.
Secondly, if your order's total amount is greater than your mocked authorized payment then your payment get rejected. You can simply mock this rejection before submitting your order.
- Stores Confirmation event
After 15 seconds
you get store confirmation event. here is the backend code.
If your order's product quantity is greater than SKU then you get OUT_OF_STOCK
event. You can get this event by deliberately entering the quantity greater than SKU. Note that this is just for demo: no frontend restrictions.
There is a more realistic way to get this rejection event: after submitting your order, immediately copy your Customer's ID before leaving the Customer's page ( since there is no KEEP ALIVE ) then jump to the Plaza Admin
page and find the store and one of our submitted products, there push the edit button and in the SKU field enter 0
then save the dialog box.
Back to the the customer's page paste your id then click get your account
then go to the Your Order
tab . if your have succeeded under 15
seconds refresh to see the OUT_OF_STOCK` event.
after creating some orders, let's got to the ORDER ADMIN
page in the menubar :
Finally, we arrive at the central purpose of this project.
The refresh
buttons retrieves final status of all orders recorded by timelapse from the database
The order repository has no UPDATE
command. Every single row is an event sorted by timestamp. The ordering database has a SERIAL
auto-increment pseudo-type as Primary Key, unlike other databases where Primary Keys set as uuid
, therefore, in conjunction with timestamptz and order's uuid
identifier we have impossible to duplicate and easy to manage event versioning
By clicking on the Event Sourcing
button, you'll receive all events for all orders. To single out a specific order just copy an order ID and paste it into the search box you'll see timeline of all events of a specific order. Use date created
to sort by ascending or descending time :
This concludes our API's functionalities walkthrough.
Just like factoring out equations zyx(a+b+c) = xyza+zyxb+zxyc, Pinia allows you to 'factor out' some arrays and functions, so that independent Views or pages can share them as global variables. This eliminates the need for a parent-child complex data transfer design. Here is our Pinia stores
Besides VUE's features, those global basket
and sstores
arrays in our Pinia greatly eliminate backend complexities, just forget about the VUE frontend and try to
follow the above slides by the Swagger then you will appreciate that nice frontend stack.
Besides Vue Router's main functionalities, sometimes you need to convey small routing data. see this slide where Pinia in conjunction with Vue Router's :dynamic conveys some info, if you refresh the page the store's id stays the same but name and location got lost ,so fix it !
Interface checkers:
var _ PubPort = (*IntegrationEventHandlers)(nil)
represent ports and adapters in a single page
for JetStream we have both publisher and consumer ports and adapters, consumed by domain and applications.
Consumer adapters receive incoming messages then "DRIVE" them into the application via ConfirmOrder and other Confirmation Ports this is why i pinned them at the driver's side.
Actually, The Hexagonal Architecture provides a clear and concise 'blueprint' for building modular, scalable, and adaptable software systems.
Initiating your project with this Architecture or another approved CLEAN Architecture ensures that you are at least adhering to a widely accepted framework, despite any potential for minor breaches to the architecture from your side, which is absolutely natural.
In developing this architectural proposal, I may have made some errors or oversights. In some general instances, I may have glossed over important considerations or overlooked potential pitfalls. Hence, feel free to challenge every single line of this project.
You might remove CQRS in ordering and inventory services with impunity as in our payment service. This also gives you more Pure domain.
For order creation scenarios, orchestrating a SAGA may not be strictly necessary. Firstly, that global basket
array in our Pinia is an ephemeral frontend cache.
Secondly, what if a girlie just registered and confirmed the payment then changed her mind and quitted the purchase not pushing the submit button? since she may use her ID after a month or so. For this case you need to create a Customers Admin
Here is a simple ACID like SAGA where, first the order saved in the database then if any error happens in publishing the message, the data removed from the database as if nothing happened.
That 15 seconds
stores confirmation event is more general than in a real-wold application : wouldn't it better to separate any single store as individual service with its own delivery confirmations time ?
In the Checkout page, the getOrders()
method fires every time you load the page, it gets all orders from the backend then it filters out a Customer's orders. That is superfluous. Exercise : can you code to get orders just by Customer's ID from the backend ?
This demo may be small-scale, but the list of TODO or not TODO stretches on forever, suggesting that there's still a great deal of work to be done before this project reaches its full potential...
When it's go-live time for a mission-critical application in the cloud, with real users and revenue on the line, deployed on Kubernetes clusters, with all the heck of load balancing and monitoring and tracing dogs dealing with millions of concurrent connections; according to performance, scalability and maintainability issues you will have to modify and adapt the architecture to your business goals and business logic. Yet in this case you should design enterprise-grade tests from the base of the pyramid mock up to the end to end testing.
Anyway, I hope that this foundational demo contribution will be found helpful in understanding the key concepts.