An expirement in onboarding for the Udacity Rubyists Slack team! If desired, RuBot can be cloned, customized, and deployed to suit the needs of your Slack team.
- Messages
Schedule messages to be sent to new Slack team members based on how long they have been a member. For example, one message could immediately welcome the user and offering an orientation while another is scheduled to offer 1:1 appointments 5 days later.
The goal is to schedule messages at strategic intervals in hopes of increasing engagement and retention.
- Interactions
Set user input, or trigger words, and a response. The bot will respond whenever somebody sends the trigger word to it.

- Blasts
Send a direct message from the bot to every user on your team.
- Data!
The application is configured to send data to Segment and integrate with Chartio automatically!
- Etc.
The UI also contains information about every user on your team and some metrics about bot usage.
See RuBot's UI
RuBot is a Rails app built to be (somewhat) easily reproduced and customized. To set up your own custom version of RuBot, follow these instructions:
- Create your bot user on Slack
You'll need Slack admin priveledges to do this. Visit this link: Create bot user
Follow the setup instructions. You don't need to set anything except for the name and upload an image.
Copy the API token and keep in a safe place.
- Obtain Google Oauth credentials
Visit: and get a client_id and client_secret from the Google+ API to use for authentication OR you can use my keys if you want to skip this step.
Setup your Authorized redirect URIs using this format:
replacing yourbotname with your bot's name.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Create a branch for your bot
Your branch name should be your bot name. Ex: git checkout -b yourbotname
. It will serve as your master branch. Please DO NOT PUSH TO MASTER, unless you've made a change that should propagate to all bots.
- Set ENV variables
Testing: Create a file named application.yml
in the project root directory containing the following text:
SLACK_TOKEN: "<put your testing team token here>"
CLIENT_ID: "<your google oauth client id>"
CLIENT_SECRET: "<your google oauth client secret>"
Production: Go to and set your ENV vars with the following format:
token, navigate to your project's root directory in terminal, and execute this command: RAILS_ENV=production rake secret
. You will need to have Rails installed for this command to work. If you don't have Rails installed and don't want to install it, ping @fuzz, and I can get this key for you.
- Create branch for Circle CI
Open circle.yml
and add the following to the bottom of the file:
branch: "yourbotname"
- ./deploy.rb
replacing yourbotname with your bot's name.
set the following variables to fit your needs:Rails.application.config.client_name = Rails.application.config.ndkey = Rails.application.config.standard_responses =
with your bot's logo. Be sure to leave the file name the same OR change the image tags throughout the project.
When you push to your bot's branch, it will automatically build and deploy through CircleCI! If you want to push to your branch without deploying include [ci skip]
in the commit message.
The program is already setup to be tracking your teams metrics via segment / chartio integration. You will however need to invite your bot user into each channel that you want to run analytics on.
Your teams separating factor is the ndkey
value in the tracks and indentifies sent to segment. This is automatically configured in the Customize step above.
Contributors include Fuzz Worley, Colt Steele, and Angel Perez.