What's Changed
- Adds return statement to points_to_coeffs by @agrieve-cfs in #294
- add how to use to the documentation by @AlvaroCubi in #299
- Mcnp 6element matrix by @KBGrammer in #305
- Numpy bug by @psauvan in #307
- Merge dev into main for new release by @AlvaroCubi in #308
New Contributors
- @agrieve-cfs made their first contribution in #294
Full Changelog: 1.5.1...1.5.2
This patch addresses the mistake of release 1.5.0 that was done with a squash while also adding the latest commits by @psauvan fixing a bug that didn't allow the use of larger than default tolerances in some cases.
What's Changed
- adding version 1.3.0 to docs by @shimwell in #274
- Adding the mention of libmamba solver to installation instructions by @akolsek in #280
- New 1.4 by @psauvan in #281
- Torus envelope fix (partially) by @psauvan in #286
- Update of the documentation layout by @akolsek in #285
- Miror torus by @psauvan in #295
- Dev by @psauvan in #296
Full Changelog: 1.5.0...1.5.1
What's Changed
Fix bug related to toroidal and spherical surfaces, improvements in the documentation.
My apologies to the contributors, the merge to main was done with a squash against our guidelines. Thanks to the contributors @psauvan , @jpcatalanUNED , @akolsek , @shimwell and any other that I may be missing.
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.5.0
What's Changed
- improved documentation on release procedure, merge type for dev to main by @shimwell in #243
- fixing auto update of default docs by removed trailing / in path by @shimwell in #244
- moved git tags info from user install into developer install by @shimwell in #245
- Bug compsolid by @psauvan in #247
- change default compSolids behaviour by @alexvalentine94 in #246
- fix bug in "from_json method" by @psauvan in #248
- update void progress bar by @psauvan in #249
- Coefficient px,py,pz planes by @psauvan in #253
- fix sort enclosure bug by @psauvan in #255
- fix bug with spherical shape enclosure by @psauvan in #257
- Fixed instance checker in voidMat by @tcmcclan-ornl in #264
- Update by @tcmcclan-ornl in #265
- Revert "Update" by @psauvan in #266
- Instance checker in void mat by @psauvan in #267
- Update main branch by @psauvan in #262
New Contributors
- @tcmcclan-ornl made their first contribution in #264
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.4.0
What's Changed
- improved documentation on release procedure, merge type for dev to main by @shimwell in #243
- fixing auto update of default docs by removed trailing / in path by @shimwell in #244
- moved git tags info from user install into developer install by @shimwell in #245
- Bug compsolid by @psauvan in #247
- change default compSolids behaviour by @alexvalentine94 in #246
- fix bug in "from_json method" by @psauvan in #248
- update void progress bar by @psauvan in #249
- Coefficient px,py,pz planes by @psauvan in #253
- fix sort enclosure bug by @psauvan in #255
- fix bug with spherical shape enclosure by @psauvan in #257
- Fixed instance checker in voidMat by @tcmcclan-ornl in #264
- Update by @tcmcclan-ornl in #265
- Revert "Update" by @psauvan in #266
- Instance checker in void mat by @psauvan in #267
- Update main branch by @psauvan in #262
New Contributors
- @tcmcclan-ornl made their first contribution in #264
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0
What's Changed
- added pypi version badge by @shimwell in #176
- Removing unused functions by @shimwell in #178
- more concise install with conda-forge by @shimwell in #180
- Avoid doubled underscore in method names by @shimwell in #181
- Moving decompose solids into CadToCsg class by @shimwell in #183
- moving load_cad and export_solids from start to own method by @shimwell in #186
- Moving get universe out of start method by @shimwell in #188
- Remove need for os import by @shimwell in #185
- corrected badge urls by @shimwell in #190
- Adding docs for json api usage by @shimwell in #192
- Adding UCARD to missing parts of documentation and example JSON file by @shimwell in #194
- Adding version support to docs by @shimwell in #198
- added missing " to docs example by @shimwell in #200
- Adding more details to the developer documentation by @shimwell in #202
- Changing cellRange to discrete numbers to allow more flexability when loading geometry by @shimwell in #205
- Adding y to install by @shimwell in #207
- Fix for #203, errors in simplify full by @KBGrammer in #206
- Simplify error by @KBGrammer in #211
- fixed versions url by @shimwell in #217
- removed config ini code by @shimwell in #218
- added part from alex comment by @shimwell in #219
- Specify in the developer guide that openmc and pytest are needed to r… by @alberto743 in #221
- Update reverse to JSON and rename to CsgToCad by @shimwell in #229
- Removing old config ini file based scripts by @shimwell in #226
- closes #213; additional guidance for install by @alexvalentine94 in #235
- Dev by @alexvalentine94 in #233
- Update docs badge with new action name by @shimwell in #238
- Added version 1.2 to docs versions by @shimwell in #236
- update main with latest dev by @shimwell in #240
New Contributors
- @KBGrammer made their first contribution in #206
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0
What's Changed
- Add a github workflow that prevents PRs to main that is not coming from dev by @AlvaroCubi in #92
- Fix to position of additional cylindrical surface used to limit torus extent by @teade in #96
- camel case for all classes by @shimwell in #95
- Snake case variables (PR 1 of several) by @shimwell in #98
- Using "is" instead of "==" to compare boolean values by @shimwell in #99
- Add comments to and files by @psauvan in #101
- Specific imports instead of wild card by @shimwell in #100
- solve issue #75 in getTransMatrix function by @psauvan in #103
- Changes in users initialization by @psauvan in #102
- Adding formatter to CI to keep code in PEP8 by @shimwell in #104
- f strings instead of .format by @shimwell in #106
- Snake case variables (PR 2 of several) by @shimwell in #105
- Quicker tests for ci by @shimwell in #109
- added draft template for consideration by @shimwell in #97
- Removing unused code by @shimwell in #107
- Testing writing inputs for more MC codes by @shimwell in #108
- Snake case functions by @shimwell in #115
- duplicate import openmc by @alberto743 in #116
- Sphinx based docs with CI action to build and hosted on gh-pages by @shimwell in #119
- Add issue templates by @alexvalentine94 in #112
- Trigger docs build on push only by @shimwell in #126
- added missing = sign by @shimwell in #130
- added missing package to dependencies by @shimwell in #135
- replaced print statements with log by @shimwell in #133
- Fixing logger commands by @shimwell in #137
- removal of Options as global variable by @shimwell in #138
- removal of Tolerances as global variable by @shimwell in #139
- Numerical format to normal class by @shimwell in #141
- Improving docs install section by @shimwell in #145
- Testing api usage with all attributes by @shimwell in #147
- Adding getters setters type checking to Options, Tolerances, NumericFormat class by @shimwell in #148
- Add settings class by @shimwell in #149
- Adding export csg method by @shimwell in #150
- Adding support for json config file by @shimwell in #152
- Adding command line tool including documentation and testing by @shimwell in #155
- removed duplication between readme and docs by @shimwell in #156
- Moving code from init file to by @shimwell in #157
- Fixing issue 154 by @shimwell in #158
- added missing args bug by @shimwell in #159
- added description of solid being decomposed by @shimwell in #161
- Context managers for writing try 2 by @shimwell in #160
- Creating folder if needed by @shimwell in #162
- setting line length to 128 by @shimwell in #163
- Lower case folder names and files by @shimwell in #165
- openmc_py and openmc_xml lower case by @shimwell in #166
- Added type checking on export csg by @shimwell in #167
- Adding windows install instructions by @shimwell in #169
- Merge dev into main by @AlvaroCubi in #172
- added getters and setters for cadtocsg args by @shimwell in #170
- use of pypi for simpler install by @shimwell in #173
- Adding dynamic version by @shimwell in #168
- added windows conda install by @shimwell in #174
- Merge dev to main by @AlvaroCubi in #175
New Contributors
- @alberto743 made their first contribution in #116
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- Capability to write to Serpent by @alexvalentine94 in #4
- simple syntax for OpenMC tori output error by @alexvalentine94 in #5
- License update from GPL-3.0 to EUPL by @jpcatalanUNED in #6
- fix bug with toroidal surfaces by @psauvan in #8
- Fix OpenMC Torus parameters definition by @ecasglez in #12
- Update pyproject.toml by @jpcatalanUNED in #13
- Added link to paper and bibtex to README by @mxmws in #18
- Dev by @psauvan in #21
- Dev by @psauvan in #22
- Update - fix for mphys and mx cards by @py1sl in #25
- Added Error messages for when no cells are selected by @mxmws in #19
- debug step files export to sub directory by @vwbus1967 in #29
- Capability to write to PHITS by @vwbus1967 in #31
- Add a bug report template and .gitignore by @AlvaroCubi in #44
- Removed unused imports and variables by @repositony in #35
- Raise ValueError instead of exit() by @shimwell in #41
- Update to testing path by @shimwell in #40
- Add bug report and .gitignore to main by @AlvaroCubi in #45
- raising catchable error instead of exit by @shimwell in #47
- added try except for compatibility conda freecad by @shimwell in #48
- Solve SyntaxtError producing a bug by @AlvaroCubi in #49
- GEOUNED training presentation added by @akolsek in #53
- Adding minimal ci to check cad converts by @shimwell in #52
- typo correction to test if CI is working by @shimwell in #54
- Adding minimal volume checking CI comparing CAD and CSG volumes by @shimwell in #56
- Added mkdocs by @shimwell in #57
- Reverting mkdocs PR 57 by @shimwell in #58
- Adding minimal particle transport tests on resulting csg files by @shimwell in #59
- Add the name to the cells in OpenMC to improve identification by @ecasglez in #61
- transport tests - reduced number of skipped models by @shimwell in #62
- volume tests - reduced number of skipped models by @shimwell in #63
- pointing ci badge to main branch by @shimwell in #64
- Improved import statements by @shimwell in #65
- bring dev branch upto date with main by @shimwell in #66
- added standard gitignore for python project by @shimwell in #68
- changing package name to lower case as per pep8 rule by @shimwell in #69
- added pypi publish action by @shimwell in #71
- auto pep8 format with black by @shimwell in #73
- Removing unused variables by @shimwell in #84
- Geouned class init now accepts arguments by @shimwell in #85
- using self. instead of dict and keyword to get class attributes by @shimwell in #86
- redo commit bc74e7e by @shimwell in #91
- Add a github workflow that prevents PRs to main that is not coming from dev (#92) by @AlvaroCubi in #93
New Contributors
- @jpcatalanUNED made their first contribution in #6
- @ecasglez made their first contribution in #12
- @mxmws made their first contribution in #18
- @py1sl made their first contribution in #25
- @vwbus1967 made their first contribution in #29
- @repositony made their first contribution in #35
- @akolsek made their first contribution in #53
Full Changelog: