This project was the final project of my team at Le Wagon Data Science Bootcamp. The team members are the contributers of this repository.
This project is about developing a model for forecasting day-ahead electricity prices of biding zone DK1 (Denmark)
using data from Entose Transparency Platform and OpenWeatherMap. It includes data sourcing and exploration,
feature engineering, training time series model, evaluating model performance using walk-forward validation,
and continuious deployment on Heroku.
web app 👉
presentation 👉
demo day video (40:00 - 51:00) 👉
Day-ahead electricity price
downloaded and API requested from ENTSOE
The clean, hourly, up-to-date electricity price data can be obtained by calling get_shifted_price() function from
Historical weather of Denmark
purchased from openweather
Because I only have the licence for usage but not the ownership, I am not putting the data here.
Future weather of Denmark
requested from openweather API
Features integrated into the sarimax:
- wind_speed
- holidays and the holiday is weekend
- temperature
- humidity
Features explored but did't contribute to forecasting accuracy:
- clouds
- load
- total production
- production by wind
- wind production / total production
For details about data exploration and model evaluation, please go to the notebooks.