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🎬 Movie Recommendation App

🚀 A modern, full-stack Movie Recommendation App that allows users to browse trending movies, receive personalized recommendations, and manage their favorite movies. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, and powered by a Django REST API.

📌 Features

User Authentication (JWT-based login & signup)
Trending Movies (Fetched from TMDb via the backend)
Personalized Recommendations (Based on trending movie selections)
Favorites System (Users can save & manage favorite movies)
Search & Filters (Sort by genre, popularity, rating, release date)
Responsive UI (Works seamlessly across devices)
Dark Mode Support 🌙

🛠️ Technologies Used

Frontend (Client)

  • Next.js 14 (Server-side rendering & API integration)
  • TypeScript (Type safety & better development experience)
  • TailwindCSS (Modern, responsive styling)
  • Radix UI (Accessible UI components)
  • JWT-based Auth (Token-based authentication for security)

Backend (API Service)

  • Django REST Framework (Powerful API development)
  • PostgreSQL (Relational database for user & movie data)
  • Redis (Caching for improved performance)
  • Swagger (Comprehensive API documentation)
  • JWT Authentication (Secure login & user sessions)

📂 Project Structure

📦 movie-recommendation-app
 ┣ 📂 app  # Next.js API Routes
 ┣ 📂 components  # UI components
 ┣ 📂 context  # State management (Auth & Favorites Context)
 ┣ 📂 pages  # Next.js pages (Movies, Favorites, Auth, etc.)
 ┣ 📂 styles  # Global styles (Tailwind & custom CSS)
 ┣ 📜 .env.local  # API Keys & Environment Variables
 ┣ 📜 package.json  # Project dependencies
 ┣ 📜  # Project documentation
 ┗ 📜 tsconfig.json  # TypeScript configuration

🚀 Installation & Setup

1️⃣ Clone the Repository

git clone
cd TestRun

2️⃣ Install Dependencies

npm install

3️⃣ Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env.local file in the root directory and add:


4️⃣ Start the Development Server

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

🔗 API Integration (Backend)

Base URL:

1️⃣ User Authentication

  • Login: POST /users/login/
  • Signup: POST /users/signup/
  • Refresh Token: POST /users/token/refresh/

2️⃣ Movie Data

  • Get Trending Movies: GET /movies/trending/
  • Get Recommendations: GET /movies/recommendations/{movie_id}/

3️⃣ Favorites System

  • Save a Favorite: POST /favorites/
  • Get Favorites: GET /favorites/
  • Remove Favorite: DELETE /favorites/{id}/

🌍 Deployment

The app is deployed on Vercel. You can access it here: Live Demo

To deploy manually:

git push origin main

Vercel will automatically build and deploy the project.

📌 Future Improvements

🔹 Improve UI/UX Design for a more polished experience
🔹 Implement Search Functionality for better navigation
🔹 Add User Profiles with watch history and preferences
🔹 Enable Movie Reviews & Ratings from users

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repo, create a branch, and submit a pull request.

📜 License

This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

💡 Developed by Abbey 🚀