1.7.10 and more 1.20.X or height
Maven pom.xml
Here you can find the imported libraries in Maven Format
<!-- Important Note:>
Here you can find the list of versions of the Mojang AuthLib,
in a web interface, something that does not allow you to see the mojang libraries page.
<Important Note:-->
<!-- Important Note:>
Here is the Mojang AuthLib from 1.20.X to 1.8.9-1.7.10 (version 1.5.21, there is also version 1.7.10)
<Important Note-->
<!--Important Note: This is from 1.19.4 for some reason maven doesn't import it from the
link download it from the link and import it manually:
All these libraries that come next are not imported by maven if you want to use them you have
to download and import them manually.
Here are the versions for you to download:
<!-- Important Note:>
There are more versions below but those versions are no longer used.
<Important Note-->
In a future update it will be like importing the Mojang AuthLib in Gradle
- Feel free to open a PR! We accept contributions.
- Discord
nathaantfm.alwaysdata.netList where the available versions of the AuthLib are found, on a graphical website.
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