A Python library for stability analysis of structures
>> pip install stablex
# pinned_column.py
import stablex as stx
# column length
l = 3000
# create nodes at quarter lengths
n1 = stx.Node(0, 0)
n2 = stx.Node(0, 0.25*l)
n3 = stx.Node(0, 0.5*l)
n4 = stx.Node(0, 0.75*l)
n5 = stx.Node(0, l)
# create section
section = stx.Rectangle(100, 100)
# create Frame elements and specify node connectivity and geometric non-linearity (Modulus of elasticity = 200000 MPa by default)
e1 = stx.FrameElement(n1, n2, section, True)
e2 = stx.FrameElement(n2, n3, section, True)
e3 = stx.FrameElement(n3, n4, section, True)
e4 = stx.FrameElement(n4, n5, section, True)
# assign boundary conditions (pinned at base, roller at top)
n1.x_dof.restrained = True
n1.y_dof.restrained = True
n5.x_dof.restrained = True
# assign load
p = -1
n5.y_dof.force = p
# create structure assembly of elements
structure = stx.Structure([e1, e2, e3, e4])
# create an Eigenvalue solver
solver = stx.EigenSolver(structure)
# solve for the required mode shape
eigenvalue, eigenvector = solver.solve(mode_shape=1)
# visualize the buckling mode shape
stx.plot_structure(structure, 1000)
Executing this script will open a window displaying the buckling mode and print the associated critical buckling load value.
print(f"Critical Buckling Load: {eigenvalue/1000:.3f} N")
Output: Critical Buckling Load: 1828.640 kN
With an error = 0.05%
eigenvalue, eigenvector = solver.solve(mode_shape=2)
stx.plot_structure(structure, 1000)
print(f"Critical Buckling Load: {eigenvalue/1000:.3f} N")
Output: Critical Buckling Load: 7365.812 kN
With an error = 0.75%
Output: Critical Buckling Load: 666.667 N
1st mode
2nd mode
1st mode
4th mode
2nd mode (Braced)
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was created by Hazem Kassab. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
was created with cookiecutter
and the py-pkgs-cookiecutter