Java developer with experience in Game Design, Networking, Concurrency, Web Development and Scalability.
300+ Total Stars Received
- MCBut :: A mod planned and execute to capture views, generating 10s of millions of youtube views across 3 youtubers
- Retrocraft :: A voxel based game written in pure java from scratch (No Unity, No OpenGL)
- Tag Parser And Interpreter :: A basic parser that allows you to offer clients a simple way to filter and select data with limited control
- Nanocraft :: Reverse engineering the popular voxel game, Minecraft protocol.
- Sharable webtimer :: A simple web timer website that you can start countdown from the url
- Lab Goat :: A small game written in java about putting boxes in the correct places
- CobbleMapExperiment :: Share worlds across minecraft servers, while being faster and more space efficient than the original
- Mini Raytracer :: Raytracing system using phong illumination to simulate real light
- Coconut :: A discord bot that allows easy addition of plugins
- NiftyEvents :: A optimized lightweight event driven API
- Minesweeper :: The popular game Minesweeper
- ValkrinSql :: A merge between NoSql and Sql that supports ERM.
- Tweet Clone MVC :: A small twitter clone
- Sharing Dom Experiment :: View people interacting with your dom in real time.
- NachoSpigot :: ~240 Clones / month :: Profiling and optimizing Minecraft server code to hold high player count, with an easy to use ap and more relibably
- CobbleLite :: Allows you to write minecraft mods in js in real time
- CobbleGroovy :: Allow quick, seemless writing and deploying of code to active minecrat servers with no downtime. Letting bugs to be fixed faster, new items to be developed by non developer and a fully intergrated developer experience.
- Penguin Experiment :: A Club Penguin remake using javascript
And many more...
- [2022 - now] Tech Lead at Datacom
- [2020 - 2022] Software enginer at Datacom
- [2014 - 2020] Work with Minecraft server owners and youtubers to craft meaningful experiences for players
- [2017 - 2019] Bachelor of Computer Science from The University of Auckland, focusing on Data Structures and Algorithms
- [2017 - 2019] Bachelor of Infomational Systems from The University of Auckland, focusing on enterprise systems
- What does Cos, Sin, Tan look like mapped on a circle
- Approximating Pi via the Monte Carlo method
- Simple Infinite scrolling hills using perlin noise
- Club penguin snowball throwing effect
- SkyPaper, Can Minecraft worlds be easily uploaded and scaled in mysql for skyblock servers
- Basic 3D rotating Cube, Using basic trigonometry
- Pulumi MongoDB & MExpress on AWS ECS