It is library built in PHP to export data from the database to MSWord, ODT, and XML files. The process to make docx and odt files is tricky but with a little help it can be understood
git clone
# Linux users you need to install 'php5-xsl' extension to export data in WORD Files
sudo apt-get install php5-xsl # For Ubuntu Users
- Import the examples/includes/products.sql into your local database.
- Setup credentials in examples/includes/db.php
- Below is a test code. Run in browser. (More usage see 'examples')
require_once 'Exporter.php'; // autoloader
require_once 'examples/includes/products_mysqli.php';
try {
// pass custom options for downloading
$options['suppress'] = 'image';
$options['labelcase'] = 'strtoupper';
new Text($result, 'products.txt', $options); // this will output the download file
// named 'products.txt'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();