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LunarVim configurations.

Notice: This repository is no longer maintained.

We have transitioned to a new generation of Java development environment configurations. The new setup, called JVIM, is not based on Lunarvim but instead on a Neovim itself. All Java-related features are present and actively maintained.

Please visit the new repository: JVIM

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


This project aims to convert LunarVim to the fully usable Java IDE. It enables debugging, refactoring and other Java language related features.



  1. Clone this configs into $HOME/.config/lvim/ folder.
git clone $HOME/.config/lvim/
  1. Clone and pack jdtls
git clone $HOME/projects/nvim/jdtls/
cd $HOME/projects/nvim/jdtls/
./mvnw clean verify -DskipTests=true
  1. Clone, pack and install java debug
git clone $HOME/projects/nvim/java-debug/
cd $HOME/projects/nvim/java-debug/
./mvnw clean install
  1. Clone and pack java test
git clone $HOME/projects/nvim/java-test/
cd $HOME/projects/nvim/java-test/
npm run build-plugin
  1. Clone and pack lemminx for XML support
git clone $HOME/projects/nvim/lemminx/
cd $HOME/projects/nvim/lemminx/
./mvnw clean verify -DskipTests
  1. Download Lombok
curl -L -o $HOME/projects/nvim/lombok.jar
  1. Update Lvim and clear cache
lvim +LvimUpdate +LvimCacheReset +q

Plugins and Tools


Copilot is a plugin for LunarVim that uses OpenAI's Codex to provide code completions and suggestions. Completions (alt+l) are available in insert mode and suggestions are available in normal mode in which-key menu.

To use it, follow these steps:

  • Run :Copilot setup and enter your Copilot account credentials.
  • Enable the plugin by running :Copilot enable

Open AI. Chat GPT-4

Chat GPT is a plugin for LunarVim that uses OpenAI's GPT-4 to provide code completions and suggestions.

To use it you need to have an OpenAI API key. Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable in your shell and run :ChatGPT enable in LunarVim.


All features are available in the which-key menu.

Docker Container

You can use the Docker container configured in a separate project in a few simple steps.

  • Pull the image
docker pull israiloff/lvim:latest
  • Run the container with only necessary ports
docker run -it -d -p 33235:33235 --name lvim israiloff/lvim:latest
  • Run the container with additional ports and access to docker itself
docker run -it -d -p 33235:33235 -p 8090-8099:8090-8099 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name lvim israiloff/lvim:latest

Port 33235 is used for the markdown preview server. Ports 8090-8099 are additional ports for debugging and testing.

  • Enter the container
docker exec -it lvim /bin/zsh


All screenshots are taken from the Windows 11 terminal.

Java code


Java tests

Java tests

Java debug

Java debug Java debug object expanded

Which-key menu

Which-key menu

Chat GPT

Chat GPT