Releases: JKorf/CryptoClients.Net
Releases · JKorf/CryptoClients.Net
Version 2.14.0
- Updated Binance.Net from version 10.18.0 to version 10.19.0
- Added quoteAsset parameter to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetWalletBalancesAsync endpoint
- Added Denomination property to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetUserAssetsAsync response model
- Updated SimpleEarn locked response models
- Updated request weight of restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetAggregatedTradeHistoryAsync to 4
- Updated Bitget.Net from version 1.21.0 to version 1.22.1
- Added demo trading environment
- Added restClient.FuturesApiV2.ExchangeData.GetOiLimitsAsync endpoint
- Added CrossRiskRate and UnrealizedPnl properties to futures balance websocket update model
- Added missing Trigger Order Plan Type Enum values
- Fixed ProductType parsing for shared socket subscriptions
- Updated BitMart.Net from version 1.14.0 to version 1.15.1
- Added stpMode parameter to restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Trading.EditOrderAsync endpoint
- Added ReceiveWindow Rest client option for signed requests
- Updated Bybit.Net from version 4.3.2 to version 4.4.1
- Added socketClient.V5PrivateApi.PlaceMultipleOrdersAsync, EditMultipleOrdersAsync and CancelMultipleOrdersAsync requests
- Added SlippageTolerance support for orders
- Removed incorrect id parameters checks from some endpoints
- Updated Coinbase.Net from version 1.8.1 to version 1.9.1
- Fixed deserialization issue for restClient.AdvancedTradeApi.Account.GetPerpetualPortfolioSummaryAsync
- Updated GateIo.Net from version 1.21.0 to version 1.22.0
- Added BaseAssetName and QuoteAssetName to GateIoSymbol model
- Added MarketId property to GateIoTradeUpdate and GateIoUserTradeUpdate models
- Added socketClient.PerpetualFuturesApi.SubscribeToContractStatsUpdatesAs…ync subscription
- Fixed shared PerpetualFuturesApi GetBalances returning error
- Updated HTX.Net from version 6.9.0 to version 6.9.1
- Added QuoteQuantity to socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeToOrderUpdatesAsync canceled order update
- Fixed restClient.SpotApi.Trading.CancelAllOrdersAsync endpoint
- Fixed shared client balance subscription updates
- Updated HyperLiquid.Net from version 1.1.0 to version 1.1.2
- Fixed deserialization of spot exchange info
- Fixed testnet support
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 6.0.1 to version 6.1.0
- Added restClient.SpotApi.HfTrading.GetOpenOrdersV2Async endpoint
- Added TransactionId property to KucoinUserTrade model
- Added missing value to BizType enum
- Fixed some values for restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetAccountLedgersAsync bizType parameter
- Fixed deserialization issue for restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetAccountLedgersAsync
- Updated OKX.Net from version 2.15.1 to version 2.16.0
- Added restClient.UnifiedApi.ExchangeData.GetEstimatedFuturesSettlementPriceAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.UnifiedApi.ExchangeData.GetSettlementHistoryAsync endpoint
- Added settlement biz type enums values
- Added NonSettlementEntryPrice and SettledPnl to OKXPosition model
- Added FutureSettlement property to OKXInstrument model
- Added ThirdQuarter to InstrumentAlias enum values
- Correctly set update type to snapshot for account and position socket updates
- Updated WhiteBit.Net from version 1.4.0 to version 1.5.0
- Added clientOrderId parameter to restClient.V4Api.Trading.CancelOrderAsync, renamed id to orderId and made it optional
- Added WhiteBitNonceProvider
- Updated restClient.V4Api.Trading.EditOrderAsync to support by clientOrderId
Version 2.13.2
- Updated DeepCoin.Net from version 1.0.2 to version 1.0.5
- Fixed Volume and QuoteVolume properties being inversed on DeepCoinTicker model
- Fixed DeepCoinOrderBookFactory Create with SharedSymbol parameter not formatting correctly
- Fixed handling websocket order book updates with the same sequence number split over 2 messages
- Fixed restClient.ExchangeApi.Account.KeepAliveUserStreamAsync endpoint
- Updated GateIo.Net from version 1.20.1 to version 1.21.0
- Added Networks info to GateIoAsset model
- Updated shared rest GetAssetsAsync request with network info
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 6.0.0 to version 6.0.1
- Fix restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetAccountsAsync accountType parameter serialization
- Updated OKX.Net from version 2.15.0 to version 2.15.1
- Fixed internal exception when receiving empty snapshot update in socketClient.UnifiedApi.Trading.SubscribeToPositionUpdatesAsync
Version 2.13.1
- Updated DeepCoin.Net to version 1.0.2 to fix spot subscription issue
Version 2.13.0
- Added DeepCoin support with DeepCoin.Net 1.0.1
- Added GetSymbolName helper method on clients
- Updated Binance.Net from version 10.17.0 to version 10.18.0
- Added Coin-M websocket Trade API implementation
- Added SOL staking endpoints to restClient.GeneralApi.Staking
- Added orderId parameter to Spot.GetMarginUserTradesAsync
- Updated futures GetTradeHistoryAsync max limit value from 1000 to 500
- Fixed API doc references for endpoints and subscriptions
- Fixed various spelling mistakes
- Updated BitMart.Net from version 1.13.0 to version 1.14.0
- Added restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetWithdrawalAddressesAsync endpoint
- Added startTime/endTime filter to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetDepositHistoryAsync and GetWithdrawalHistoryAsync
- Added needUsdValuation to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetFundingBalancesAsync endpoint
- Added asset parameter to restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetAssetDepositWithdrawInfoAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.UsdFuturesApi.ExchangeData.GetMarkKlinesAsync endpoint
- Added socketClient.UsdFuturesApi.SubscribeToMarkKlineUpdatesAsync subscription
- Added symbol specific overloads for socketClient.UsdFuturesApi.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync subscription
- Updated Bybit.Net from version 4.1.0 to version 4.3.2
- Added restClient.V5Api.ExchangeData.GetSpotMarginTieredCollateralRatioAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.V5Api.Account.GetTransferableAsync multi-asset overload and updated response model
- Added quoteAsset parameter to restClient.V5Api.ExchangeData.GetHistoricalVolatilityAsync endpoint
- Added support for RPI (RetailPriceImprovement) orders and data
- Added Bybit Earn endpoints to restClient.V5Api.Earn
- Added socket SubscribeToAllLiquidationUpdatesAsync subscription
- Marked SubscribeToLiquidationUpdatesAsync as deprecated
- Fix for pagination in restClient.V5Api.SharedClient.GetKlinesAsync
- Fixed restClient.V5Api.CryptoLoan.BorrowAsync parameter serialization
- Fix for restClient.V5Api.CryptoLoan.GetOpenLoansAsync deserialization
- Updated CoinEx.Net from version 7.15.0 to version 8.0.1
- Added client side ratelimiter implementation
- Updated REST and WebSocket unit tests
- Updated REST requests to new CryptoExchange.Net implementation
- Updated various response models
- Fixed restClient.FuturesApi.Trading.CancelOrderByClientOrderIdAsync response model
- Fixed restClient.FuturesApi.Trading.CancelStopOrderByClientOrderIdAsync response model
- Fixed restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetCreditAccountAsync response model
- Fixed restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetWithdrawalHistoryAsync status parameter
- Fixed exception in restClient.SpotApiV2.Account.GetAllDepositWithdrawalConfigsAsync when no credentials provided
- Removed V1 API
- Updated GateIo.Net from version 1.19.0 to version 1.20.1
- Added auto convert to lowercase for settlement asset parameter in futures endpoints and subscriptions
- Added overloads for multiple contracts to some public futures Subscribe methods
- Added socketClient.SpotApi.GetOrdersAsync query
- Added CancellationToken parameter for futures websocket queries
- Fixed websocket order operations always logging a warning message
- Fixed incorrect pricing parameters mapping for restClient.PerpetualFuturesApi.Trading.PlaceTriggerOrderAsync
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 5.24.0 to version 6.0.0
- Updated library from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json for json (de)serialization
- Added USDC balance info to Futures API shared GetBalancesAsync
- Added restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetDepositAddressesV3Async endpoint
- Added restClient.SpotApi.Account.CreateDepositAddressV3Async endpoint
- Added restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetCallAuctionOrderBookAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetCallAuctionInfoAsync endpoint
- Added socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeToCallAuctionOrderBookUpdatesAsync endpoint
- Added socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeToCallAuctionInfoUpdatesAsync endpoint
- Updated takeProfitPrice and stopLossPrice on restClient.FuturesApi.Trading.PlaceTpSlOrderAsync to triggerStopUpPrice and triggerStopDownPrice
- Updated KucoinSymbol response model with call auction info
- Updated Enum mappings
- Updated API documentation references to new API docs
- Removed no longer needed converters
- Renamed restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData.GetOpenContractsAsync to GetSymbolsAsync
- Renamed restClient.SpotApi.Margin.GetMarginTradingPairConfigurationAsync to GetSymbolsAsync
- Renamed socketClient.FuturesApi.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync to SubscribeToBookTickerUpdatesAsync
- Renamed socketClient.FuturesApi.SubscribeToMarketUpdatesAsync to SubscribeToSymbolUpdatesAsync
- Renamed socketClient.FuturesApi.SubscribeToSystemAnnouncementsAsync to SubscribeToFundingFeeSettlementUpdatesAsync
- Renamed socketClient.FuturesApi.SubscribeTo24HourSnapshotUpdatesAsync to SubscribeTo24HTickerUpdatesAsync
- Removed deprecated restClient.FuturesApi.Account transfer endpoints
- Removed deprecated restClient.SpotApi.Account.InnerTransferAsync
- Removed deprecated restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetHistoricalDepositsAsync
- Removed deprecated restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetHistoricalWithdrawalsAsync
- Removed deprecated restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetDepositAddressAsync
- Removed deprecated restClient.SpotApi.Account.CreateDepositAddressAsync
- Removed deprecated socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeToFundingBookUpdatesAsync
- Updated XT.Net from version 1.2.0 to version 1.2.1
- Fix for balance update deserialization error
Version 2.12.0
- Updated reference CryptoExchange.Net version from 8.7.3 to 8.8.0
- Split DataEvent.Timestamp in DataEvent.ReceivedTime and DataEvent.DataTime
- Added SharedKlineInterval enum values
- Fixed exception when creating rest client for mono runtime
- Fixed some typos
- Updated Binance.Net from version 10.16.2 to version 10.17.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added contract address and URL properties to BinanceUserAsset model
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated BingX.Net from version 1.20.1 to version 1.21.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added Status property to restClient.PerpetualFuturesApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync response model
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated Bitfinex.Net from version 8.0.2 to version 8.1.1
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Fixed SharedSymbol formatting for assets with more than 3 characters in the name
- Fixed unnecessary unsubscribe call when subscribe is never confirmed
- Updated Bitget.Net from version 1.20.0 to version 1.21.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added initial futures CopyTrader endpoints
- Updated BitgetFuturesTriggerOrder response model
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated BitMart.Net from version 1.12.2 to version 1.13.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated BitMEX.Net from version 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added DisplayName and ImageUrl to BitMEXExchange class
- Fixed supported SharedKlineInterval not being specified correctly in the options
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated Bybit.Net from version 4.0.2 to version 4.1.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated Coinbase.Net from version 1.7.2 to version 1.8.1
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added getTradabilityStatus parameter to GetSymbolsAsync method
- Renamed KlineInterval.TwoHour to KlineInterval.TwoHours, fixed int value
- Fixed missing value PreLaunch for SymbolStatus enum
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated CoinEx.Net from version 7.14.0 to version 7.15.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fixed deserialization of CoinExBookPriceUpdate.UpdateTime property
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated CoinGecko.Net from version 3.3.1 to version 3.4.0
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated CryptoCom.Net from version 1.5.1 to version 1.6.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fixed incorrect API docs references for subscription methods
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated GateIo.Net from version 1.18.0 to version 1.19.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added actionMode parameter to restClient.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync endpoint and socketClient.SpotApi.PlaceOrderAsync
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Marked cross margin endpoints as deprecated
- Updated HTX.Net from version 6.8.2 to version 6.9.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added UpdateTime to HTXOrder response model
- Added restClient.SpotApi.Trading.CancelAllOrdersAsync endpoint
- Added missing parameters to restClient.SpotApi.Trading.GetOpenOrdersAsync endpoint
- Added TotalTradeQuantity property to socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeToOrderUpdatesAsync update model
- Added restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetFullOrderBookAsync endpoint
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated HyperLiquid.Net from version 1.0.1 to version 1.1.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated Kraken.Net from version 5.6.0 to version 5.7.1
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added mapping of XBT to BTC for websocket SharedSymbol formatting
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 5.23.5 to version 5.24.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fixed incorrect enum value for FeeType
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated Mexc.Net from version 2.0.0 to version 2.1.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated OKX.Net from version 2.14.2 to version 2.15.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added restClient.UnifiedApi.Account.GetSymbolsAsync endpoint
- Fixed setting tag parameter in restClient.UnifiedApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated WhiteBit.Net from version 1.3.2 to version 1.4.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added SelfTradePreventionMode parameter to REST PlaceOrder endpoints, updated Order response model with StpMode and Status properties
- Added socketClient.V4Api.SubscribeToAccountMarginPositionEventUpdatesAsync and SubscribeToAccountBorrowEventUpdatesAsync subscriptions
- Added TpSl property to WhtieBitPosition model, containing TakeProfit/StopLoss order reference info
- Added Role and FeeAsset properties to socketClient.V4Api.SubscribeToUserTradeUpdatesAsync update model
- Added restClient.V4Api.Account.GetTradingFeesAsync endpoint
- Updated KlineInterval.ThreeMinute to KlineInterval.ThreeMinutes
- Fixed socketClient.V4Api.SubscribeToPositionUpdatesAsync UpdateTime being lower case
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
- Updated XT.Net from version 1.1.3 to version 1.2.0
- Added support for more SharedKlineInterval values
- Added setting of DataTime value on websocket DataEvent updates
- Added MinDepositQuantity, DepositConfirmations and WithdrawPrecision properties to restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetAssetNetworksAsync response model
- Fix Mono runtime exception on rest client construction using DI
Version 2.11.0
- Added BitMEX support with BitMEX.Net 1.0.0
- Updated reference CryptoExchange.Net version from 8.6.1 to 8.7.3
- Added GetMillisecondTimestampLong helper method to AuthenticationProvider
- Added PriceSignificationFigures to SharedSpotSymbol model
- Added Authenticated property to IBaseApiClient interface to check if a client was provided API credentials
- Added support for Flags enum deserialization in System.Text.Json EnumConverter
- Added handling of negative number DateTime deserialization to default
- Updated SharedSymbol from class to record
- Some small fixes in the System.Text.Json ArrayConverter
- Fixed issue with serialization of nullable types in System.Text.Json ArrayConverter
- Fix for unnecessary error message in logging when closing websocket connection
- Updated BingX.Net from version 1.19.1 to version 1.20.1
- Added AveragePrice to SpotApi order details model and shared implementation
- Added missing TimeInForce parameter for restClient.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceMultipleOrderAsync
- Added ContractAddress property to BingXAsset model
- Added processPartialSuccess parameter to restClient.SpotApi.Trading.CancelOrdersAsync endpoint
- Updated restClient.SpotApi.Trading.CancelOrdersAsync response model so failed cancellations can also be returned
- Fixed clientOrderId parameter for restClient.PerpetualFuturesApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync endpoint
- Updated Bitfinex.Net from version 7.13.1 to version 8.0.2
- Added client side ratelimit implementation
- Updated library to System.Text.Json from Newtonsoft.Json for json (de)serialization
- Updated public websocket subscriptions to use the URI specifically for public data
- Updated websocket to use bulk updates for order book updates (configurable)
- Updated Enum conversions to use EnumConverter
- Fixed deserialization error in BitfinexOrder response model
- Updated Bitget.Net from version 1.19.1 to version 1.20.0
- Added restClient.SpotApiV2.Trading.CancelReplaceOrderAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.SpotApiV2.Trading.CancelReplaceMultipleOrdersAsync endpoint
- Added TakeProfit/StopLoss parameters to SpotApiV2 place order endpoints
- Fixed restClient.SpotApiV2.Margin.GetIsolatedRiskRateAsync response parsing
- Fixed an issue with data not being parsed correctly for certain models
- Updated CoinEx.Net from version 7.13.2 to version 7.14.0
- Added restClient.SpotApiV2.Account.GetAllDepositWithdrawalConfigsAsync endpoint
- Updated SpotApi Shared implementation GetAssetsAsync to also return network info
- Updated Kraken.Net from version 5.5.4 to version 5.6.0
- Added support for
ExchangeParameter in shared implementation symbol and asset requests - Added check for authentication when requesting assets, return only asset names if no credentials provided
- Updated restClient.SpotApi.Trading.GetClosedOrdersAsync parameters
- Added support for
- Updated Mexc.Net from version 1.15.2 to version 2.0.0
- Added client side-ratelimiting implementation
- Updated json (de)serializer from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json
Version 2.10.0
- Added HyperLiquid support with HyperLiquid.Net 1.0.1
- Updated reference CryptoExchange.Net version from 8.6.0 to 8.6.1
- Added GetMillisecondTimestampLong helper method to AuthenticationProvider
- Added PriceSignificationFigures to SharedSpotSymbol model
- Updated Binance.Net from version 10.16.1 to version 10.16.2
- Updated RewardType Enum values
- Updated weight of restClient.SpotApi.Account.WithdrawAsync from 600 to 900
- Fixed restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetTradeFeeAsync for Us environment
- Updated BitMart.Net from version 1.12.1 to version 1.12.2
- Added BuyerIsMaker property to socketClient.UsdFuturesApi.SubscribeToTradeUpdatesAsync update model
- Added Side to futures API shared interfaces trade subscription
- Updated GateIo.Net from version 1.17.1 to version 1.18.0
- Added transactionType parameter to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetTransferHistoryAsync endpoint
- Added NumberOfOrders to restClient.PerpetualFuturesApi.ExchangeData.GetLiquidationsAsync response model
- Added PreMarketStatus property to restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetSymbolsAsync response model
- Fixed deserialization error in restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetSmallBalanceConversionsAsync
- Updated HTX.Net from version 6.8.1 to version 6.8.2
- Added restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetNetworksAsync
- Updated Kraken.Net from version 5.5.3 to version 5.5.4
- Fixed IAssetsRestClient.GetAssetAsync not marked as authenticated method
- Fixed incorrect int values for OneWeek and FifteenDays in KlineInterval enum
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 5.23.4 to version 5.23.5
- Fixed restClient.FuturesApi.Account.GetPositionHistoryAsync deserialization error and updated response model
- Updated Mexc.Net from version 1.15.1 to version 1.15.2
- Added restClient.SpotApi.Account.TransferInternalAsync endpoint
- Added restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetInternalTransferHistoryAsync endpoint
- Updated OKX.Net from version 2.14.1 to version 2.14.2
- Added handling of unknown symbol error in websocket subscribe request
- Removed deprecated restClient.UnifiedApi.ExchangeData.GetOracleAsync
Version 2.9.3
- Updated Bybit.Net from version 4.0.1 to version 4.0.2
- Added DepositLimit, DepositType and FromAddress to restClient.V5Api.Account.GetDepositsAsync response model
- Added DepositLimit and ContractAddress to restClient.V5Api.Account.GetDepositAddressAsync response model
- Added ContractAddress to restClient.V5Api.Account.GetAssetInfoAsync response model
- Added TradeId property to restClient.V5Api.Account.GetBrokerEarningsAsync response model
- Updated restClient.V5Api.ExchangeData.GetSpotSymbolsAsync PricePercentageFilter response model to new x/y limit value properties
- Fixed shared interfaces futures symbols request not returning full data set
- Updated Kraken.Net from version 5.5.2 to version 5.5.3
- Fixed restClient.FuturesApi.Trading.GetUserTradesAsync startTime parameter not being applied
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 5.23.3 to version 5.23.4
- Fixed shared interfaces balance subscription providing updates for all accounts
Version 2.9.2
- Updated ExchangeOrderBookFactory to use lower update intervals where available
- Updated XT.Net from version 1.1.2 to version 1.1.3
- Various fixes in UsdtFutures trigger/track/stop limit order endpoints
Version 2.9.1
- Updated reference CryptoExchange.Net version from 8.6.0 to 8.6.1
- Fixed websocket connection getting stuck after a ping frame timeout
- Removed websocket Error callback when exception is expected
- Removed unnecessary type restraints on RestApiClient.SendAsync methods
- Updated Bybit.Net from version 4.0.0 to version 4.0.1
- Fixed AveragePrice being null in BybitPosition and BybitPositionUpdate models
- Updated CoinEx.Net from version 7.13.1 to version 7.13.2
- Disable ping frames for socket connections as it's not stable
- Updated Kucoin.Net from version 5.23.2 to version 5.23.3
- Updated Spot Shared IBalanceRestClient GetBalancesAsync implementation to only filter account types if there are both Trade and SpotHf being returned
- Updated WhiteBit.Net from version 1.3.1 to version 1.3.2
- Disable ping frames for socket connections as it's not stable
- Updated XT.Net from version 1.1.1 to version 1.1.2
- Fix for restClient.UsdtFuturesApi.ExchangeData.GetSymbolInfoAsync deserialization