100% Open-Source Free Quotas Firebase Hosted 24/7 Web & Local JavaScript App
Utilizes Discord, Twitch, YouTube, Firebase, Web Control Panel API Utility
Google Firebase Asset + API Query/Crawler Control Panel
Example and full source for your own Firebase hosted app.
Full Auth Firebase DB Schema With Backend Scheduled CRUD Operations
Full Backend Powered Open-Source Firestore Driven API Key Setup (Requires API Keys in Firestore Database)
Daily Dictionary Web Scraping -> Word Of The Day Announcements
Daily YouTube API Scraping (Utilise free daily YTSearch API quota to announce new YT videos to your channels)
Daily Discord Announcements (Word of the day, stat reports, random quote)
Twitch Announcements & Commands (Database driven announcements on timer)
Kanban-like To-Do Manager -> Firestore DB Task Manager
https://nodejs.org/ - 14.17.1 LTS
npm firebase-tools : https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli
1.) Download these source files and copy them in your chosen working directory
2.) Sign-up for Firebase: http://firebase.com/
3.) Initialize your firebase project and emulators in your chosen working directory with nodejs firebase-tools and when prompted select the following:
- Initialize the project with access to: hosting, firestore, auth, functions
- Initialize emulator setup (firebase project init will ask) for localhost development only check functions for emulation
- Use /build/ for hosting deployment
- do not re-write index.html
- do not convert to single-page-application
4.) Run npm i
next to package.json
this run the install process, populating /node_modules/ with the CRA & frameworks listed in package.json
Install Complete.
#API's & Keys
In order to access all API functions each API needs database key propagation for the system to run.
#Discord API JS: https://github.com/JasonHoku/HokuBot/blob/main/functions/components/DiscordTools.js
- Firestore Location : Secrets.dbData.APIKeys.DiscordAPI
#Twitch API JS: https://github.com/JasonHoku/HokuBot/blob/main/functions/components/TwitchTools.js
- Firestore Locations : - Secrets.dbData.APIKeys.TwitchSecret
#YouTube API JS: https://github.com/JasonHoku/HokuBot/blob/main/functions/components/YouTubeData.js
- Firestore Location : Secrets.dbData.APIKeys.YTAPI
#Running HokuBot Locally
Running Firebase apps locally is ideal for development & testing, make and send your changes first then access your app from any device with a web browser or PWA technology.
1.) Run npm run femu
in your chosen working directory next to package.json
this will begin the firebase emulation suite in configuration with ReactJS for hot-reloading, webpack bundling and building (at deployment) to the /build/ folder
2.) The project will launch locally and run the functions console & reactjs console in tandem in the main console through the use of npm-run-all
After you've decided on your setup/changes you can run the following to send your code to firebase hosting and keep your app live 24/7:
npm run fb
Builds the minified bundle into /build/ and updates all firebase functions
npm run fbh
Builds the minified bundle into /build/
npm run fbf
Updates all firebase functions
These options speed up deployment times as the seperate processes each take their own minute or so.