This website was built to establish a presence on the web for an active pet grooming business in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the client's request, I've adopted the style of a website I built previously for another grooming business - Lisa's Pampered Paws in Reno Nevada - which has successfully generated regular new business leads for them. The clients are expanding into Las Vegas and asked for a quick turnaround on a new website to begin generating new leads. I purchased the domain for them ( and created an A record in the DNS settings to serve the site from my GitHub Page. Planned enhancements include a Blog, a "Specials" page, and eventually, scheduling functionality on the Book Appointment page (the business owners preferred not to offer online booking at this time).
Getting Started | Demo | Built With | Authors | Visuals | Contributing & Tests | Contact
For questions or to discuss collaborations on this or other projects, contact the author via LinkedIn or GitHub as follows.
Jen Jayme
- Special thanks to Lisa and Bobby Dias for entrusting me with another web site.
- Much respect to Alexis Mora Angulo (@Jopzik) for his beautiful work on Vintalight.js, which provided the foundation of the polaroid photo library.