This is a Room Reservation System written in Python that allows users to interact with a hotel to view available rooms, reserve rooms, cancel reservations, and view current reservations.
List available rooms: Display all rooms in the hotel with their details such as room type, capacity, price, and reservation status. Reserve a room: Users can reserve a room if it is available. Cancel a reservation: Cancel an existing reservation if it exists. View current reservations: View all rooms that have been reserved, including their details.
Python 3.x SQLAlchemy for interacting with the database (if you're using a database for persistence) Getting Started: To get started with the Room Reservation System, follow the steps below to set up and run the application.
Before running the application, ensure you have Python 3.x installed on your machine. Additionally, you will need to install the required dependencies, including SQLAlchemy.
- Clone the Repository Clone the repository to your local machine using git:
bash Copy code git clone Alternatively, you can download the project as a ZIP file and extract it to your preferred location.
- Install Dependencies Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies by running:
bash Copy code cd StayHub pip install -r requirements.txt If you're using SQLAlchemy for database functionality, make sure it's included in the requirements.txt file. Example requirements.txt:
makefile Copy code SQLAlchemy==2.0.0 If you're not using a database and want to store data in memory, you can skip this step.
- Run the Application To start the Room Reservation System, simply run the script:
bash Copy code python This will run the program, allowing users to interact with the hotel, view rooms, and manage reservations.
- Hotel Class The Hotel class is responsible for managing a collection of rooms. It allows adding rooms to the hotel, listing rooms, reserving a room, and canceling reservations.
add_room(room): Adds a room to the hotel. list_rooms(): Lists all rooms in the hotel. reserve_room(room_id): Reserves a room with a specific room ID. cancel_reservation(room_id): Cancels a reservation for a given room ID. show_reservations(): Displays all current reservations. 2. Room Class The Room class represents a single room in the hotel. It contains details like room type, capacity, price per night, and reservation status.
reserve(): Marks the room as reserved. cancel_reservation(): Cancels the reservation for the room. str(): Returns a string representation of the room with all its details. 3. Database Integration (Optional) If you'd like to use a database to store the rooms and reservations, the project uses SQLAlchemy to interact with the database. The Room and Hotel classes are mapped to tables, and you can create and interact with these tables through the database.
To create the tables, run the file to create the rooms and hotels tables in your database. The database used in the example is SQLite, but you can easily change it to use MySQL or PostgreSQL by modifying the connection string in create_engine(). Example for creating tables:
python db/ Example Interaction When running the script, the user will interact with the system through the following options:
- List Rooms The user can list all available rooms in the hotel:
List of rooms: Room ID: 101, Type: Single, Capacity: 1, Price: $100.00, Reserved: No Room ID: 102, Type: Double, Capacity: 2, Price: $150.00, Reserved: No Room ID: 103, Type: Suite, Capacity: 4, Price: $250.00, Reserved: No
- Reserve a Room The user can reserve a room by its ID:
Please enter the room ID you want to reserve: 101 Room 101 has been successfully reserved!
- Cancel a Reservation The user can cancel a reservation by its ID:
Please enter the room ID you want to cancel: 101 Reservation for room 101 has been canceled.
- View Reservations The user can view all currently reserved rooms:
Current reservations: Room ID: 101, Type: Single, Capacity: 1, Price: $100.00, Reserved: Yes
The directory structure of the project looks like this:
Copy code room-reservation-system/ │ ├── db/ │ ├── # Database models using SQLAlchemy │ └── # Seed the database with initial data │ ├── # Main application logic ├── requirements.txt # Required dependencies └── # This README file db/ Contains the Room and Hotel models, along with database setup and table creation. Contains the core logic for interacting with the hotel and managing reservations. requirements.txt: Lists the Python dependencies required to run the project.
Error: ModuleNotFoundError (SQLAlchemy): If you get this error, ensure that you have installed SQLAlchemy with pip install sqlalchemy. Error: Database connection issues: If you're using a different database (MySQL/PostgreSQL), check the connection string in and ensure that your database server is running.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Thanks to SQLAlchemy for making database integration easy in Python. Inspired by hotel reservation systems and real-world booking applications.