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Hi Waving hand animated gif, I'm Lasitha Amarasinghe


An Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering Undergraduate from Sri Lanka

🔭 I’m currently learning Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Data Science.

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Data Science projects.

⚡ Fun fact: I have a deep passion for music, but my singing voice is so uniquely 'mine' that even my showerhead begs for earplugs.😁🚿🎶

Languages and Tools💻🛠️

python logo java logo c logo cplusplus logo csharp logo html5 logo css3 logo javascript logo opencv logo jupyter logo tensorflow logo pytorch logo numpy logo pycharm logo autocad logo matlab logo raspberrypi logo arduino logo linux logo git logo github logo latex logo wordpress logo kaggle logo slack logo trello logo moodle logo intellij logo visualstudio logo vscode logo discord logo android logo


💠Electronics, IoT, Robotics📱🤖

  1. 3D Mapper - Repository - A 3D plotting device for short-range object detection powered by ATmega 2560.
  2. Analog Wall Following Robot - Repository - A wall-following robot made using only analog electronics.
  3. Multi Room Sound System - Repository - An IoT-integrated smart sound system powered by ESP32.
  4. Smarty Plug - Repository - An IoT-integrated smart extension cord powered by ATmega328 & ESP8266.
  5. Agni Robot - Repository - A robot powered by Arduino Mega 2560, capable of doing various tasks in robotics competitions.

💠Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI🧠

  1. Movie Recommender System - Repository - Recommending movies based on user preferences using a TF-IDF matrix.
  2. Olympic Medal Count Prediction - Repository - Predicting medal counts in Olympic Games using Linear Regression.
  3. Stock Market Price Prediction - Repository - Predicting S&P500 Stock Market Index movements using RandomForestClassifier.
  4. Real Time Speech Recognition - Repository - Recording live speech using the microphone and transcribing using the speech.
  5. Dog Classification - Repository - Classifying dog breeds using deep learning with TensorFlow and Keras.
  6. Gender & Age Prediction - Repository - Detecting faces in images and predicting age and gender using deep neural networks.
  7. IPL Score Prediction - Repository - Predicting IPL scores based on venue and competing teams using neural networks.
  8. Multiview Triangulation - Repository - Based on Practical Global Optimization for Multiview Geometry research paper.
  9. Hand Gesture Math Solver - Repository - A real-time hand gesture recognition system using Python, OpenCV, and Gemini.
  10. Face Recognition - Repository - A basic face recognition system using Python, OpenCV, and the Face Recognition library.

💠Web & Software Development🧑‍💻

  1. Workout Buddy - Repository - A comprehensive fitness tracking app built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack.
  2. Foody - Repository - A restaurant website built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flask for an enhanced dining experience.

Module Repositories 📖

  1. EN3150-Pattern-Recognition - Repository
  2. EN3160-Image-Processing-&-Computer-Vision - Repository
  3. EN3251-Internet-of-Things - Repository
  4. CS2023-Data-Structures-&-Algorithms - Repository
  5. EN2031-Computer-Organization-&-Design - Repository
  6. EN2150-Communication-Network-Engineering - Repository

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