GIMP 3 is released and it is highly recommended to use my plugins on 3 as opposed to GIMP 2.10. Though they will work on both. Make sure to try out native GIMP 3 fiters (Styles, Bevel and Inner Glow) which are plugins of mine officially in GIMP 3.
NOTE, my plugins don't work with the official GIMP 3 appimage. But they do work on everything else.
Welcome, I make third party GEGL filter plugins for Gimp by chaining GEGL nodes inside c file templates. This allows Gimp to have access to all sorts of cool text styling effects. It will turn your plain text into fancy graphical text styles. Please view each filters individual Git page for more info on what each Gimp plugin can do. You have the option to download thirty something of my best filters in one place on the front page, but it may be better if you download each filter manually from my Github release sections as the GEGL operation list can get crowded and you may not need all my filters. I have over 100 filters in total. Please remember, unless you use Gimp 2.99.16 or up, all my filters are located in the GEGL Operation section for Gimp 2.10. On 2.99.16+ they are there but also exist in Filters>Text Styling and various other places like Filters>Render>Fun and more.
It is recommended to apply my filters on raster duplicates of text layers in GIMP 2.10. So you have to go through a manual step of making a text layer, rasterizing it then applying a filter.
In GIMP 3 (what I use) just type text, press escape and apply the filter (thats it! a lot less work) The reason we press escape key is so we can escape the text editing and access the search menu to search for a plugin of mine. Text layers in GIMP 3 are capable of real time updates due to NDE.
Both GIMP 2.10 and GIMP 3 share a common theme where white text allows some plugins to recolor the text to anything
All plugins have source code and compile instructions on their Github page and Github page release section and can be compiled with Ninja and Meson but Windows, Linux and Chromebook users can use preconfigured binaries. Mac users have to compile no matter what as I don't know how to support Mac. If you look at the source code of my GEGL plugins you will also find GEGL syntax listed before the code begins. If you put this GEGL syntax inside Gimp's "GEGL Graph" filter you can test a plugin of mine in a static position without installing. The syntax provided in the source code roughly recreates the plugin. It is total transparency, every aspect of what I do is open source so others can learn and create GEGL plugins themselves if they want.
.dll file filter binaries go in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\gegl-0.4\plug-ins
or perhaps C:\Users\AppData\Local\gegl-0.4\plug-ins
then restart Gimp and open "GEGL Operation".
You may need to create the folder 'plug-ins` if it does not exist.
There is a very low chance Windows users will need to reinstall Gimp for plugins to work. This low chance is probably caused by having a old version of Gimp or GEGL as a dependency.
Search for gegl-0.4 make a plug-ins folder and put the binaries there or see if drive:\GIMPPortable\App\gimp\lib\gegl-0.4\plug-ins
exist and put the binaries there.
Download all plugins for Windows
If you choose to not use binaries this is how you compile my plugins on Windows. When compiling run the
files with MySys2. )
.so file filter binaries go in ~/.local/share/gegl-0.4/plug-ins
then restart Gimp and open GEGL Operation.
Download all plugins for Linux here
The only packages needed to compile on Linux are ninja
, meson
and gegl
. On most distros you should be able to press the and go.
Includes Linux binaries and Source Code
so. file filter binaries go in ~/.var/app/org.gimp.GIMP/data/gegl-0.4/plug-ins
then restart Gimp and open GEGL Operation.
.so file filter binaries go ~/snap/gimp/393/.local/share/gegl-0.4/plug-ins
NOTE - the number 393 may vary so read
for finding the right directory. Simply go back to /home/USERNAME/snap/gimp/
and look for the correct number directory. Once restart Gimp and open GEGL Operation.
If you are using Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, (Debian 10-12) without Flatpak Gimp 2.10.34 and up you will NOT be able to use plugins of mine updated after March 11 2024.
In 2025-2026 GEGL deprecated all plugins of mine that use gegl_node_connect_from It requires a new gegl_node_connect that early Gimp can't read. This applies to the majority of my plugins. Below is a download for the original plugins before the break happened.
Plugin and Code download for Debian 10,11,12, Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 is here, this branch does not ever update
GEGL 0.446 can read both gegl_node_connect_from and gegl_node_connect plugins but earlier versions can only read gegl_node_connect_from Every official plugin of mine now uses gegl_node_connect
This bug may happen on Windows because you mixed new plugins compiled with GEGL 0.4.46 with old ones compiled with GEGL 0.4.30 - Don't do that.
First, you need to download the GEGL plugins. The front page contains a link to download all of them.
Before you can use or compile the plugins, you need to have certain packages installed on your Linux system:
- Ninja: A small build system with a focus on speed.
- Meson: An open-source build system meant to be both extremely fast and user-friendly.
- GEGL: The underlying graphics library used by GIMP.
These can typically be installed via your distribution's package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can open a terminal and run:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ninja-build meson libgegl-dev
- If you've downloaded the source code and wish to compile the plugins, follow these steps:
- Extract the Source Code: If the source code comes in a compressed file (like .zip or .tar.gz), extract it first.
- Navigate to the Source Directory: Use the terminal to navigate to the directory where you've extracted the source code.
- Run the Build Script: Execute the script. This script should automate the compilation process. You can run it by typing:
Ensure that this script is executable. If not, make it executable by running chmod +x
- Locate the Compiled .so Files: After compilation, look for .so files in the build directory.
- Copy the .so Files to the GEGL Plugins Directory: Use the command:
cp [source_path]/*.so /home/$(whoami)/.local/share/gegl-0.4/plug-ins/
Linux (Flatpak)
cp [source_path]/*.so /home/$(whoami)/.var/app/org.gimp.GIMP/data/gegl-0.4/plug-ins
Do NOT have multiple copies of the binaries or put binaries in separate folders.
After copying the files, restart GIMP. The new GEGL operations should now be available in GIMP.
If pre-compiled binaries (.so files) are provided, you can skip the compilation steps. Just copy these .so files directly to the /home/$(whoami)/.local/share/gegl-0.4/plug-ins/ directory and restart GIMP.
.dylib file filter binaries go in /Library/Application Support/gegl/0.4/plug-ins/
or perhaps /home/(USERNAME)/.local/share/gegl-0.4/plug-ins
You may need to create plug-ins
folder if it doesn't exist.
--Instructions to compile on Mac due to lack of binaries --
Install Homebrew with /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install meson
brew install ninja
brew install gegl
Then Compile every C file as you would on Linux using Meson and Ninja. Perhaps even my script will work.
Then right-click on each individual .dylib file and then select open (in the finder), and it asks if you really want to open it. After that restart Gimp
go to GEGL Operation. The plugin('s) *should work. Each .dylib file needs to be manually approved. So running this in a folder to do exactly the same thing
may be a good idea. cd ~/Library/Application Support/gegl/0.4/plug-ins/ # assuming it was installed here sudo xattr -rd *
This filter also ships with GEGL Inner Glow and GEGL Bevel and GEGL Glass on Text which are useful operations on their own; especailly bevel and inner glow which have many unique options.
A classic bevel effect by combining gaussian blur and emboss
A improved version of Gimp's Drop Shadow filter but it starts as a outline and knocks out the original image unless set to normal blend mode. Then it will behave like a normal outline and shadow. It even has an image file overlay mode.
What makes it better then dropshadow is that it applies the effect on its own layer.
Just like the long shadow filter but it uses pixel data
A glossy bevelish effect that looks like inflated glossy paste.
Draw circles, squares, ovals, recentangles and dividers amd control them with a non-destructive vignette filter. Make sure to uncheck the internal vignette checkbox on GIMP 3. On 2.10 keep internet vignette checked.
Some people are having issues with my GEGL/Gimp plugins because they are making sub folders for each GEGL plugin of mine. All GEGL plugins should be in the same folder with no subfolders or any other file type. Folder should only contain binaries (.dll or .so) for your OS. Subfolders of binaries can lead to scenarios where users have two copies of a dependency and GEGL defaults to using an older version thus breaking plugins that need a newer dependency. Other file types could lead to Gimp not starting up.
Lastly, (common complaint), If GEGL Effects breaks after downloading a new plugin of mine that is because the new plugin has a more recent dependency GEGL Effects needed, this can easily be fixed by updating to the latest version of GEGL Effects.