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A Discord Bot and a Website for the MMORPG Dofus Retro


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Salamandra a Discord Bot made with DSharpPlus and Amphibian a Website made with ASP.NET Core and htmx for the MMORPG Dofus Retro.


Logo salamandra Salamandra :
Logo amphibian Amphibian :
Logo discord Discord :



This procedure is tailored to my specific use case. Feel free to setup the application in any way that suits you.

Installation Steps




  1. Prerequisites:
    Ensure you have the following prerequisites:


From this point forward, I will assume that all steps from the Cyberia.Cdn setup have been completed.

  1. Build the project:
    You have two options for building the project: manually from the server or by setting up the publish action in your fork.

    • Manual Build:

      git clone
      cd Cyberia
      dotnet build Cyberia/Cyberia.csproj -c Release -o output
      mv output /var/www/cyberia/App
      chmod -R 755 /var/www/cyberia/App/flare
    • Setup the publish action in your fork:
      You will need to configure four secrets in your GitHub repository settings.

      • SSH_HOST - The IP of your server
      • SSH_KEY - Your private SSH key configured in the user authorized_keys
      • SSH_PORT - The port of your SSH
      • SSH_USER - The user it will connect to

      After configuring these secrets, you can manually trigger the publish action by following GitHub's guide on manually running a workflow.

  2. Configure Caddy:
    Edit the Caddy configuration file located at /etc/caddy/Caddyfile to include the following block. Replace with your actual domain: {
      import common
      reverse_proxy :5009
      encode gzip

    For more information, see the Caddiyfile documentation.

  3. Restart Caddy:
    Restart the Caddy service to apply the new configuration1:

    sudo systemctl restart caddy
  4. Create a systemd service:
    To launch the app in the background, a systemd service is a good approach. Go to /etc/systemd/system and create a new file called cyberia.service with this content. Replace salamandra with your user:

    Description=Cyberia Service
    ExecStop=/bin/bash -c 'ps aux | grep /var/www/cyberia/App/Cyberia | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\' | xargs kill -9'

    For more information, see the systemd.service documentation.

  5. Reload the systemd manager configuration:
    Reload the systemd manager configuration to apply the new service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  6. Configure the app:
    Inside the App directory, you will need to rename the appsettings.sample.json to appsettings.json and fill in the required configuration. See Configuration for more detail about each variable.

  7. Launch the App:
    Start the service:

    sudo systemctl start cyberia
  8. First-time Launch:
    If this is your first time launching the application, you will need to generate the JSON data used by the API. You can either wait for the automatic Lang check to occur or manually trigger it using the /langs check command in Discord. After the check is complete, use the /langs parse command to parse the data to JSON. Then, restart the application or use the /reload command to hot reload the data. Finally, use the command /emoji update to upload the emojis to your Discord application.


Below are the detailed descriptions of each variable of the configuration of the App :

Main Configuration

Variable Description Type
EnableSalamandra Launch the Discord bot at startup Boolean
EnableAmphibian Launch the website at startup Boolean
EnableCheckCytrus Activate the automatic check of Cytrus Boolean
CheckCytrusInterval Interval between each Cytrus check Timespan
EnableCheckLang Activate the automatic check of the Official Lang Boolean
CheckLangInterval Interval between each Official Lang check Timespan
EnableCheckBetaLang Activate the automatic check of the Beta Lang Boolean
CheckBetaLangInterval Interval between each Beta Lang check Timespan
EnableCheckTemporisLang Activate the automatic check of the Temporis Lang Boolean
CheckTemporisLangInterval Interval between each Temporis Lang check Timespan
ApiConfig The configuration related to the API ApiConfig
BotConfig The configuration related to the bot BotConfig
WebConfig The configuration related to the website WebConfig

API Configuration

Variable Description Type
CdnUrl The URL of the CDN String
Type The type of lang loaded at startup LangType
BaseLanguage The language of lang from which the base data is loaded, only the translations will be loaded from the others Language
SupportedLanguages The list of the supported languages, the first one will be the default language. Language[]
DiscordInviteUrl The invitation URL of the support Discord guild String
GitRepositoryUrl The URL of the repository String

Bot Configuration

Variable Description Type
Token The Discord bot token String
EmbedColor The color of the embed (e.g. #CD853F) String
AdminGuildId The guild ID where the admin commands will be registered UInt64
BotInviteUrl The invitation URL of the bot String
LogChannelId The channel where logs from certain events (e.g. guild added/removed) will be sent UInt64
ErrorChannelId The channel ID where errors related to command execution will be sent UInt64
LangForumChannelId The forum channel ID where the automatic lang diff will be sent UInt64
CytrusChannelId The channel ID where the Cytrus diff will be sent UInt64
CytrusManifestChannelId The channel ID where the game manifest diff from Cytrus will be sent UInt64

Web Configuration

Variable Description Type
Environment The environment of the website (Production or Development) String
Urls The URLs the host will listen on String[]


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please:

  • Open an issue on GitHub.
  • Join my Discord server for real-time support.


Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Lounek

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.


This project uses Flare for SWF decompilation. Please note that Flare is governed by its own licensing terms, which are separate and distinct from the licensing terms of this project under the AGPL-3.0. For the specific terms and conditions of Flare’s license, please refer to the LICENSE file included in this distribution or visit the official website of Flare.

Important: Flare is provided for use under specific terms that do not allow commercial use without prior permission. Users are responsible for adhering to these terms and should not assume that the commercial permissions granted under the AGPL-3.0 extend to the use of Flare.


Parts of this project incorporate code derived from the Lucene.Net project. Such code is provided under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You can find a copy of this license at Apache License 2.0. The files containing these materials are identified in the source code along with the original licensing information from the Lucene.Net project.

Important: This licensing does not affect the usability of this software under the AGPL-3.0 for general purposes, but users must comply with the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, where applicable.


For any inquiries or further information, please contact


  1. If the service fails to start due to missing permissions, it's likely because Caddy creates certain directories without the correct permissions. Try the following command after each restart until it works: sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/caddy/.local


A Discord Bot and a Website for the MMORPG Dofus Retro






