Releases: LuigiBlood/sat_wave
SatellaWave v0.5.1
This is a bugfix release.
0.5.1 (2019-03-06)
- Load generic channels from XML files (Time, Bass Fishing Tournament) (bugfix)
- Mention that you can delete a tile in the Event Plaza Animation Editor with a right click.
SatellaWave v0.5
0.5.0 (2019-03-04)
- Basic Script Expansion File Import
- Fix Padding to prevent Tile Copy bug (bugfix)
- Update People List with Bakusho Mondai names
- Add option to reset all data on Event Plaza Editor [LittleToonCat]
- Fix 'Edit Event Plaza Building' toolstrip (bugfix) [LittleToonCat]
- Always update display when importing graphics to Event Plaza Editor (bugfix) [LittleToonCat]
- Update edited generic channel names (bugfix)
- Focus on Channel name when editing the channel info
Notes about Expansion Scripts:
Scripts uses the BS-X's own full on bytecode script engine. It will have to be already assembled and compiled into a bin file for import.
Much more info about it will rolled out over time, it is implemented for advanced usage and future experimentations.
It is used by BS-X for a lot of things such as managing the town and its NPCs, to entire magazines.
SatellaWave v0.4
0.4.0 (2018-07-12)
- Full Event Plaza Expansion Support
- Automatically adapt the header for Memory Pack downloads
- Prevent making too many files in folders
- Update Window when you create a new / load repository (bugfix)
- Unix ready support for Export (bugfix) [LittleToonCat]
- Fix SNES Patch loading from repository (bugfix) [LittleToonCat]
- Fix latest BS-X Patch (bugfix, now it works)
NOTE: As of this release, all aforementioned emulators fully supports file downloads now. I suggest to use the latest BS-X Patch channel for stable downloads in BS-X.
SatellaWave v0.3.1
0.3.1 (2018-01-09)
- Prevent Folder and File Descriptions to be too long.
- Automatically select the recommended file destination after browsing the file.
- BS-X Patch Support (Official BS-X Update & Custom Patches)
- Warn User if Software Channel and/or Logical Channel already exists after editing the channel.
- Software Channel detection now detects Directory.
- Before Export, Repository will be checked for conflicts.
SatellaWave v0.3
0.3 (2018-01-05)
- Fix CheckUsedLCI() which didn't take into account directories themselves (fixes hang in BS-X).
- [Special Event] is now [Hydrant Access].
- Exporting now changes the Town ID and Directory ID. This allows to change the satellite data in real time as it is emulated if you directly export to the folder.
NOTE: As said earlier in the readme, current stable versions of emulators do not support file downloads properly.
SatellaWave v0.2
Reminder: The bigger files (mostly downloadable files) to be downloaded on emulators are only supported in development versions from LuigiBlood, so you may have to compile those versions yourself (repositories can be found at
0.2 (2018-01-04)
- Prevent User from choosing more than 5 NPCs/Events (with exceptions).
- Streamed File signification a little clearer (and prevent use of it).
- Added feedback when the folder/file name is too long.
- Prevent new lines for item descriptions.
- Warn user if BS-X will not react properly to the exported bin files.
- Show Current XML filepath in window title [@ToontownLittleCat]
SatellaWave v0.1
First release of new SatellaWave. This time with actual User Interface that's more intuitive.
This software can make Satellaview compatible server binary files.
A tree of channels is managed by the user and it is possible to save, then load a repository of channels with all their attributes.
You can then export to binary files compatible with SNES emulators that supports them.
As of this time of writing, the SNES emulators that supports such files are:
- bsnes-plus v073+3 and later (in bsxdat folder)
- SNES9X 1.55 and later (in SatData folder)
However, the bigger files to be downloaded are only supported in development versions from LuigiBlood, so you may have to compile those versions yourself (repositories can be found at
Currently supported channels:
- Message Channel
- Town Status
- Directory
- Folders
- Files (also Include Files)
- Items
- Folders
- Time Channel (BS-X)
- Time Channel (Game Specific)
- Shigesato Itoi no Bass Fishing No. 1 Contest Channels
0.1 (2017-12-29)
- Initial release