Java web application to enhance search mechanism. Provided options facilitate search of new perspective projects Preview changes with good commits/stars/contributors grown. Internally, the existed GitHub API is using. To access a REST API documentation - run the application and access
- JDK 1.8
- access to GitHub REST API
- access to GitHub trending page
- Generate OAuth token for GitHub and copy it to /var/token.txt or export to an environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.
- MongoDB 3.6 (docker run --name someMongo -p 27017:27017 mongo:3.6.0-jessie)
To run locally execute
./mvnw install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
java -jar target/analytics4github*.jar
accessible by default at
Tests stopped to work properly via maven but you can run them via Intellij
To reload controllers after editing - press ctl + f9 and wait till application restart. It'll execute "Make" and trigger hot-redeploy via spring-boot-devtools.
adjust to use static resources from a file system, not a jar file. It will simplify frontend development