⚡🚀 Based on the gin framework, we have developed a user-friendly, simple, and fast development framework for API programming using go1.18+.
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├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile # makefile
├── README.md
├── app # Directory holding modules
│ ├── amqp # Message queue
│ ├── controller # Controller
│ └── service # Service layer
├── bootstrap # Initialization program loading service
├── cmd # Command commands
│ ├── admin.go # Generate admin backend account
│ ├── controller.go # Generate controller
│ ├── migrate.go # Generate migrate database migration
│ ├── model.go # Generate model data model
│ ├── service.go # Generate service layer
├── config
│ ├── config.go # Map yaml configuration file to structure
│ ├── white_list.go # Whitelist
│ └── yaml # yaml configuration file directory
├── global # Global variables and global methods
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── middleware # Middleware
├── migrations # Migration files
├── models # Models
├── pkg # Custom common services, JWT, helper functions, etc.
│ ├── auth # jwt
│ ├── lib # Log service, database service, redis service, etc.
│ ├── paginator # Paginator
│ ├── response # Http request returns status and formatting
│ ├── util # Helper function
│ └── validator # Parameter validator
├── router # Route configuration
├── runtime # Files produced at runtime, such as logs, etc.
├── types # All custom structures
- Support for jwt Authorization token validation component
- Support for cors interface cross-domain component
- Support for gorm database operation component
- Support for gorm-model self-implemented model structure based on gorm-generated mapping data tables
- Support for logrus log collection component
- Support for go-redis redis connection component
- Support for migrate database migration component
- Support for controller, service command-line code generation tool
- Support for go-websocket real-time communication component based on gorilla/websocket (single client, multiple clients, groups, broadcast, etc.)
- Support for go-rabbitmq message queue component implemented based on rabbitmq's official amqp consumer and producer encapsulation
- Support for casbin rbac permissions integrated in middleware casbin_auth.go
- Support for requestId middleware that implements convenient tracking log middleware requestid_auth.go
- Support for viper configuration file parsing component for yaml, json, toml, etc.
- Support for validator data field validator component, supporting Chinese language
- Support for snowflake generate globally unique IDs with snowflake algorithm
- Implementation of ip whitelist configuration integrated in middleware ip_auth.go
- Implementation of ticker timer component
- Implementation of pagination builder component based on gorm
- Implementation of code unified defined return code, exception unified error return handling component
- Support cron for schedule tasks
- Support performance analysis component pprof
- Support internal link tracking for trace project
- Support interface flow control component rate
- Support grpc rpc component
Note that before starting, you need to enable the MySQL and Redis services, and configure the MySQL and Redis settings in the config.dev.yaml file (which defaults to the dev environment).
go mod tidy
go run main.go
# View parameters of main.go.
go run main.go --help
"status": 200,
"errcode": 0,
"requestid": "9ac7f4f2-1271-4f87-8df7-599a478af9cb",
"message": "Pong!",
"data": ""
go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest
Type in the command line: "air" to execute hot update. The code edits will update automatically.
This step is intended for accessing permission for backend interfaces.
go run main.go migrate -s=all
# Please check the specific parameters in the "help" section.
go run main.go migrate -help
This interface will create a super administrator role based on casbin.
# Viewing the make command line
make help
# Basic packaging to generate executable file (based on the current system)
make build
# Packaging for Windows
make windows
# Packaging for Darwin
make darwin
# Packaging for Linux
make linux
View packaged files in the releases section.
import "github.com/MQEnergy/gin-framework/pkg/paginator"
var memberList = make([]models.GinAdmin, 0)
paginator, err := paginator.NewBuilder().
WithField([]string{"password", "salt", "updated_at", "_omit"}).
WithCondition("id = ?", 1).
Pagination(memberList, 1, 10)
return paginator, err
Define receiving struct.
type BaseUser models.GinUser
type GinUserInfo models.GinUserInfo
// UserList get user lists.
type UserList struct {
GinUserInfo `gorm:"foreignKey:user_id" json:"user_info"`
Usage 1:
var userList = make([]user.UserList, 0)
pagination, err := paginator.NewBuilder().
WithFields(models.GinUser{}, models.GinUserTbName, []string{"password", "salt", "_omit"}).
WithFields(models.GinUserInfo{}, models.GinUserInfoTbName, []string{"id", "user_id", "role_ids"}).
WithJoins("left", []paginator.OnJoins{{
LeftTableField: paginator.JoinTableField{Table: models.GinUserTbName, Field: "id"},
RightTableField: paginator.JoinTableField{Table: models.GinUserInfoTbName, Field: "user_id"},
Pagination(&userList, requestParams.Page, global.Cfg.Server.DefaultPageSize)
return pagination, err
Usage two:
var userList = make([]user.UserList, 0)
multiFields := []paginator.SelectTableField{
{Model: models.GinUser{}, Table: models.GinUserTbName, Field: []string{"password", "salt", "_omit"}},
{Model: models.GinUserInfo{}, Table: models.GinUserInfoTbName, Field: []string{"user_id", "role_ids"}},
pagination, err := paginator.NewBuilder().
WithJoins("left", []paginator.OnJoins{{
LeftTableField: paginator.JoinTableField{Table: models.GinUserTbName, Field: "id"},
RightTableField: paginator.JoinTableField{Table: models.GinUserInfoTbName, Field: "user_id"},
Pagination(&userList, requestParams.Page, global.Cfg.Server.DefaultPageSize)
return pagination, err
There is a slight difference between the struct defined by the preload method and the struct defined by the joins query. The name of the struct defined by the preload method must be consistent with the name of the struct for the current table of the model. Also, the name of the struct for the associated table cannot be the same as the name of the struct for the model. For example, the definition of "UserInfo" is as follows:
Definition of receiving a struct.
type BaseUser models.GinUser
type GinUserInfo models.GinUserInfo
type GinUser struct {
UserInfo GinUserInfo `gorm:"foreignKey:user_id" json:"user_info"`
Usage instructions as follows:
var userList = make([]user.GinUser, 0)
pagination, err := paginator.NewBuilder().
Pagination(&userList, requestParams.Page, global.Cfg.Server.DefaultPageSize)
return pagination, err
This method does not recommend using WithFields or WithField to query fields. Instead, it is recommended to directly define the query fields specified by the receiving struct.
Visit address: The returned data format is as follows:
"status": 200,
"errcode": 0,
"requestid": "9ac7f4f2-1271-4f87-8df7-599a478af9cb",
"message": "Request Success",
"data": {
"list": [],
"current_page": 1,
"total": 2,
"last_page": 1,
"per_page": 10
- Usage: Retrieve User List:
View usage.
WithDB(db *gorm.DB) *PageBuilder
WithModel(model interface{}) *PageBuilder
Pass the main table model as a parameter for the query, for example: models.GinAdmin. You cannot pass a structure address as a parameter, like &models.GinAdmin.
WithField(fields []string) *PageBuilder
The last parameter of "fields" defaults to "_select" (can be omitted), but if "_omit" is passed, it filters out the fields transmitted earlier.
- _select / _omit must be the last parameters.
- WithModel parameter cannot be passed as a pointer to a struct. For example: &models.GinAdmin must be models.GinAdmin, otherwise the _omit parameter will be ineffective.
- This note applies to the WithFields method and WithMultiFields method.
Usage as follows:
// Indicates filtering of front fields.
WithField([]string{"created_at", "updated_at", "_omit"})
// Indicates the fields to be queried.
WithField([]string{"created_at", "updated_at", "_select"})
WithField([]string{"created_at", "updated_at"})
4)Not necessary in chain operations.
Multi-table queries or filtering field methods (when using the preload mode, there may be issues with associated table queries, and it is not recommended to use the preload association query method).
WithFields(model interface{}, table string, fields []string) *PageBuilder
The last argument for fields is default to "_select" (can be omitted), if "_omit" is passed, it will filter the fields transmitted earlier.
Usage as follows:
// Indicates filtering the preceding field.
WithFields(models.GinUser{}, models.GinUserTbName, []string{"password", "salt", "_omit"})
// "Indicates the field before the search."
WithFields(models.GinUserInfo{}, models.GinUserInfoTbName, []string{"id", "user_id", "role_ids", "_select"})
WithFields(models.GinUserInfo{}, models.GinUserInfoTbName, []string{"id", "user_id", "role_ids"})
5)Not necessary in chain operations.
Multiple table and field queries (can replace WithFields method)
WithMultiFields(fields []SelectTableField) *PageBuilder
Usage as follows:
{Model: models.GinUser{}, Table: models.GinUserTbName, Field: []string{"password", "salt", "_omit"}},
{Model: models.GinUserInfo{}, Table: models.GinUserInfoTbName, Field: []string{"id", "user_id", "role_ids"}},
6)Not necessary in chain operations.
Multiple table association query with proactive preloading (conditions not currently supported).
WithPreloads(querys []string) *PageBuilder
Usage as follows:
WithPreloads([]string{"UserInfo", "UserRecord"})
7)Not necessary in chain operations.
Active preloading of associated queries (can pass conditions, conditions refer to Gorm).
WithPreload(query string, args ...interface{}) *PageBuilder
Usage as follows:
WithPreload("UserInfo", "user_id = ?", "1")
WithCondition(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *PageBuilder
Pass in query conditions that support the querying format used in the 'where' conditions in GORM (non-struct format). The 'query' and 'args' parameters should follow the same method of passing in 'where' conditions as in GORM.
WithJoins(joinType string, joinFields []OnJoins) *PageBuilder
joinType: Type of join. It can be left, right or inner. joinFields structure: LeftTableField, such as the main table's ID, and RightTableField, such as the related table's main table ID.
Usage as follows:
WithJoins("left", []paginator.OnJoins{{
LeftTableField: paginator.JoinTableField{Table: models.GinUserTbName, Field: "id"},
RightTableField: paginator.JoinTableField{Table: models.GinUserInfoTbName, Field: "user_id"},
Pagination(dst interface{}, currentPage, pageSize int) (Page, error)
"dst" is a "struct" structure that receives incoming data. Note: It must be passed in application mode, such as "&userList". "model" and "currentPage" represent the current page number, and "pageSize" represents the number of queries per page.
NewDB() *gorm.DB
After using this method, all methods inside the pagination for chained operations are unavailable. You can continue using the native methods of GORM afterwards.
Usage as follows:
NewDB().Where("id = ?", id).First(&userList)
UploadFile(path string, r *gin.Context) (*FileHeader, error)
By default, the files are stored in the "upload" directory of the project. If it does not exist, it will be created automatically. The path will be "upload" directory module directory, such as "user". The directory structure will be "upload/user/{yyyy-mm-dd}/...".
Usage as follows:
Configure the amqp parameters in the yaml configuration file.
Test case
go run command/test/consumer.go
Test case
go run command/test/producer.go
Running "go run main.go --help" will display the following command set.
migrate Create a migration command
account Create a new admin account
model Create a new model class
controller Create a new controller class
service Create a new service class
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
View Usage
# Install migrate cli tool.
curl -L https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/releases/download/$version/migrate.$platform-amd64.tar.gz | tar xvz
# MacOS Installation
brew install golang-migrate
# Install Window with scoop https://scoop.sh/
scoop install migrate
# "Creating migration file syntax, for example:"
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq create_users_table
# The first way to execute migration.
# Carrying out migration operation:
migrate -database 'mysql://root:123456@tcp(' -path ./migrations up
# Performing rollback operation:
migrate -database 'mysql://root:123456@tcp(' -path ./migrations down
# The second way to perform migration.
# View help command.
go run main.go migrate --help
# The format is as follows:
go run main.go migrate -s {step} -e {env}
# env: Keep consistent with the config.*.yaml file among dev, test, and prod. The default is dev.
# step: The number of migration files to be executed (or rolled back), for example, 1, 2, 3... If you want to execute all, use "all".
# Perform all migration operations:
go run main.go migrate -s all
# Perform partial migration operations:
# eg.:go run main.go migrate -s 1
# Performing rollback operation:
# eg.:go run main.go migrate -s -1
# Execute the command to generate all models.
go run main.go model -tb=all {env}
# Please refer to the help for specific parameters.
go run main.go model -help
go run main.go controller -c={controller name} -m={module name}
# eg.:go run main.go controller -c=admin -m=backend
# Please refer to the help for specific parameters.
go run main.go controller -help
go run main.go service -s={service name} -m={module name}
# The module name is the module named "name" located in the app/controller directory.
# eg.:go run main.go service -s=admin -m=backend
# Please refer to the help for specific parameters.
go run main.go service -help
5、Create a back-end administrator account (based on the gin_admin table, you can modify the code based on other tables as needed).
go run main.go account -c={account name} -p={password}
# Check the specific parameters in the help documentation.
go run main.go account -help