viritual invironment for termux
- copy the command and past it in to termux
#copy from hear
export TMP=$(mktemp -d) && cd $TMP &&\
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y &&\
pkg install wget python tor -y &&\
wget &&\
tar -xvf venv_0.0.4_all.deb.tar && apt install ./venv_0.0.4_all.deb
# ends hear
$ venv --help
venv: linux viritual environment for termux.
show Print all linux environment.
pull <name> Pull linux environment.
list Print all pulled linux env.
run <name> Launch env.
remove <name> Remove the env permenently.
upgrade upgrade the venv.
kill-tor Kill the tor service.
help, --help To show this message.
$ venv show
- pull [distro] [name]
- [name] is optional
$ venv pull alpine test1
$ venv list
- run [name]
$ venv run test1
localhost:~# sh
localhost:~# exit
$ venv run --torify test1
- remove [name]
$ venv remove test1
- Andronix
- Android
- Python3.x.x
$ apt remove venv