##Overview This Vagrant box is built from a fresh Debian Wheezy (7.1) x86_64
The following is used:
- PHP 5.5.4 (PHP-FPM via Dotdeb)
- cURL
- memcached
- mcrypt
- xDebug
- Xhprof
- redis
- mysqlnd
- PHP QA Tools
- Nginx
- Maria DB 10 (Latest available 10.x)
- Redis 2.6.16 (Latest available 2.6.x via Dotdeb)
The following instructions are tailored for OSX users, however should work fine for Linux and Windows too.
- Vagrant (1.3.4+)
- Vagrant hosts-updater plugin (optional: Adds entries into your hosts file for ease of use)
- VirtualBox (See below for more information)
Virtualbox is required for modifying the Vitual Machine's Memory on boot. The Box itself defaults to 384 MB RAM, however this can be increased to a specific desired amount (default of 1024mb) via the Vagrantfile.
You need to comment out the following line if you wish to use this set-up without having Virtualbox installed.
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]
Download and install vagrant (1.3.4+): http://downloads.vagrantup.com
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
Clone the repository in your prefered location, initialize submodules, and update:
$ git clone https://github.com/Megasaxon/php-vagrant-devbox.git
From the root of the directory of the cloned project, vagrant up:
$ cd php-vagrant-devbox
$ vagrant up
Note: You may be prompted with your account password during the point where NFS is enabled (on OSX & Linux). You must provide your password to proceed.
The host IP is Access the web via http(s)://example.com/ (Assuming you set up a hosts record and/or use the hostsupdater plugin!)