- Install dependencies
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y git build-essential wget curl libssl-dev pkg-config
- Install Golang
wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.17.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz && \
rm -rf /usr/local/go && \
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin' >> ~/.profile
- Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source ~/.profile
- Clone Minter Hub repository
cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/MinterTeam/mhub2.git
- Compile & install
# Minter Hub node
cd ~/mhub2/module
make install
# Hub ↔ Minter oracle
cd ~/mhub2/minter-connector
make install
# Prices oracle
cd ~/mhub2/oracle
make install
# Keys generator
cd ~/mhub2/keys-generator
make install
# Hub ↔ Ethereum oracle
cd ~/mhub2/orchestrator
cargo install --locked --path orchestrator
- Install and sync Minter Node
minter node
- Install and sync Ethereum & BSC node
geth --http --http.addr "" --http.port "8545"
- Sync Minter Hub Node
# Download genesis
mkdir -p ~/.mhub2/config/
curl ... > ~/.mhub2/config/genesis.json
# Start and sync Minter Hub node
mhub2 start \
for testnet:
# Download genesis
mkdir -p ~/.mhub/config/
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MinterTeam/mhub2/master/testnet/genesis.json > ~/.mhub2/config/genesis.json
# Start and sync Minter Hub node
mhub2 start \
- Generate Hub account
mhub2 keys add validator1
- WARNING: save generated key
- Request some test HUB to your generated address
- Create Hub validator
mhub2 tendermint show-validator # show validator's public key
mhub2 tx staking create-validator \
--from=validator1 \
--amount=1000000000000000000hub \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.1" \
--commission-max-rate="1" \
--commission-rate="0.1" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--chain-id=mhub-mainnet-2 (mhub-testnet-11 for testnet)
- WARNING: save tendermint validator's key
- An important point: the validator is turned off if it does not commit data for a long time. You can turn in on again by sending an unjail transaction. Docs:
mhub2 tx slashing unjail --help
- Generate Minter & Ethereum keys
- WARNING: save generated keys
- Request some test ETH to your generated address
- Register Ethereum keys
mhub2 query account <YOUR_ACCOUNT> # get account nonce
mhub-keys-generator make_delegate_sign <YOUR_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY> <YOUR_ACCOUNT> <YOUR_NONCE>
mhub2 tx mhub2 set-delegate-keys <VALADDR> <YOUR_ACCOUNT> <ETH_ADDR> <SIG> --from=...
- Start services. You can set them up as services or run in different terminal screens.
- Start Hub ↔ Ethereum oracle.
Ethereum Contract for mainnet: 0x897c27Fa372AA730D4C75B1243E7EA38879194E2
BSC Contract for mainnet: 0xF5b0ed82a0b3e11567081694cC66c3df133f7C8F
Ethereum Contract for testnet: 0x06AC113939C66c3D0e68a09F64849A6EcC6099f1
BSC Contract for testnet: 0x0c8ed00B0A80c4d436E9FCb67986bC3b1ee470d5
orchestrator \
--ethereum-key=<ETHEREUM PRIVATE KEY> \
--cosmos-grpc="" \
--ethereum-rpc="" \
--chain-id=ethereum \
orchestrator \
--ethereum-key=<ETHEREUM PRIVATE KEY> \
--cosmos-grpc="" \
--ethereum-rpc="" \
--chain-id=bsc \
--contract-address=<ADDRESS OF BSC CONTRACT>
- Start Hub ↔ Minter oracle.
Minter Multisig for testnet: Mx8938134f2d7e1218a1756e76b0da2868b0ad20a1
Start Minter Block for testnet: 6830657
Minter Multisig for mainnet: Mx68f4839d7f32831b9234f9575f3b95e1afe21a56
Start Minter Block for mainnet: 7696500
# connector-config.toml
# testnet|mainnet
chain = "mainnet"
private_key = <MINTER PRIVATE KEY>
api_addr = ""
start_block = <MINTER START BLOCK>
start_event_nonce = 1
start_batch_nonce = 1
start_valset_nonce = 0
mnemonic = ""
grpc_addr = ""
rpc_addr = ""
mhub-minter-connector --config=connector-config.toml
- Start price oracle
# oracle-config.toml
holders_url = "https://explorer-hub-api.minter.network/api/tokens/1902/holders"
prices_url = "https://explorer-hub-api.minter.network/api/prices"
grpc_addr = ""
rpc_addr = ""
mhub-oracle --config=oracle-config.toml (--testnet)