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Python package for seamless handling of Lorentz vectors


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PyPI version License: GPL v3

⚠️ This project is a work in progress

A Python package for seamless handling of Lorentz vectors, 2D vectors, and 3D vectors in HEP analysis, bridging the gap between Scikit-HEP and ROOT ecosystems.


LVec aims to simplify HEP analysis by providing a unified interface for working with various vector types across different frameworks. It seamlessly integrates with both the Scikit-HEP ecosystem (uproot, vector, awkward) and ROOT/PyROOT, enabling physicists to write more maintainable and efficient analysis code.


pip install lvec

For development installation:

git clone
cd lvec
pip install -e ".[dev]"

Quick Start

Lorentz Vectors

from lvec import LVec
import numpy as np

# Create a single Lorentz vector
v = LVec(px=1.0, py=2.0, pz=3.0, E=4.0)

# Access properties
print(f"Mass: {v.mass}")
print(f"pt: {}")

# Create from pt, eta, phi, mass
v2 = LVec.from_ptepm(pt=5.0, eta=0.0, phi=0.0, m=1.0)

# Vector operations
v3 = v1 + v2
v4 = v1 * 2.0

2D Vectors

from lvec import Vector2D

# Create a 2D vector
vec2d = Vector2D(x=3.0, y=4.0)

# Access properties
print(f"Magnitude: {vec2d.r}")
print(f"Angle (phi): {vec2d.phi}")

# Rotate vector
rotated = vec2d.rotate(angle=np.pi/4)  # 45 degrees rotation

3D Vectors

from lvec import Vector3D

# Create a 3D vector
vec3d = Vector3D(x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0)

# Access properties
print(f"Magnitude: {vec3d.r}")
print(f"Theta: {vec3d.theta}")
print(f"Phi: {vec3d.phi}")

# Rotate around axis
rotated = vec3d.rotate(theta=np.pi/2, axis=[0, 1, 0])  # 90 degrees around y-axis

Array Operations

# Works with numpy arrays
px = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
py = np.array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
pz = np.array([3.0, 4.0, 5.0])
E = np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
vectors = LVec(px, py, pz, E)

# Works with awkward arrays
import awkward as ak
vectors_ak = LVec(ak.Array(px), ak.Array(py), ak.Array(pz), ak.Array(E))

Available Methods

Lorentz Vector (LVec) Methods

Method Description Parameters Returns
__init__ Create a Lorentz vector px, py, pz, E LVec
from_ptepm Create from pt, eta, phi, mass pt, eta, phi, m LVec
from_p4 Create from px, py, pz, E px, py, pz, E LVec
from_ary Create from dictionary ary_dict with px, py, pz, E keys LVec
from_vec Create from vector-like object vobj with px, py, pz, E attributes LVec
boost Boost vector to new frame bx, by, bz LVec
mass Get invariant mass - float
pt Get transverse momentum - float
eta Get pseudorapidity - float
phi Get azimuthal angle - float
E Get energy - float
p Get total momentum - float

2D Vector (Vector2D) Methods

Method Description Parameters Returns
__init__ Create a 2D vector x, y Vector2D
x Get x component - float
y Get y component - float
r Get vector magnitude - float
phi Get azimuthal angle - float
dot Compute dot product other float

3D Vector (Vector3D) Methods

Method Description Parameters Returns
__init__ Create a 3D vector x, y, z Vector3D
x Get x component - float
y Get y component - float
z Get z component - float
r Get vector magnitude - float
rho Get cylindrical radius - float
phi Get azimuthal angle - float
theta Get polar angle - float
dot Compute dot product other float
cross Compute cross product other Vector3D


  • Python >= 3.10
  • NumPy >= 1.20.0
  • Awkward >= 2.0.0

For development:

  • pytest >= 7.0.0
  • uproot >= 5.0.0


If you use LVec in your research, please cite:

  author       = {Mohamed Elashri},
  title        = {LVec: A Python package for handling Lorentz vectors},
  year         = {2024},
  publisher    = {GitHub},
  url          = {}


For detailed documentation and examples, visit our documentation page.


Check out our examples directory for comprehensive examples including:

  • Basic vector operations
  • Decay reconstructions
  • Frame transformations
  • 2D vector manipulations
  • 3D spatial analysis
  • Advanced selections


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.