Based on the FuG 25a Erstling Friend or Foe Detection Radar System the system was brilliant but over engineerd. and this is sort of the theme of this project Solving a trivial Game meant to teach kids programming with cutting edge robotics techniques and tools
- sub to /cospace_state and integerate over WheelSpeedLeft and WheelSpeedRight to figure out our position and orientation
- hint: use eular angles and compass then convert to quats. and pixels per second
object_markers (take video from the arena and convert it to useful markers)
write the actual ROS Code
- write the frame reading from cospace_state code
- write the Marker Publisher code
- Write the frame_viz Publisher code
check object_markers/notebooks/playground.ipynb for details about tasks and the actual Computer Vision Code
- detect super objects
- detect swaps
- detect speical zones
Nav Package
- Must be able to teleport
- when to teleport? idk read the rules
- use the CS to pick points
- and do the dance in
- use US to avoid obsticals
- Must be able to teleport
- install WSL 1 on your windows machine
- install MS robotics dev studio 4
- install cospace rescue
- download ffmpeg and unzip it in a directory
- set that dir to
ffmpeg_path in cospace2ros/launch/cospace_ctrl.launch
- create a dir in your perfrred location and put it's location in ```comms_dir in cospace2ros/launch/cospace_ctrl.launch``
- change the locations of the files read and written to in
(lines:163 and 176) to ones that point tocomms_dir
- Upload the ai.c file to the Cospace Rescue Robot
- create a catkin_ws with the project files inside src dir. (not src/erstling/cospace2ros, but src/cospace2ros)
- copy the .git dir from erstling repo into the src dir in the catkin_ws (makes working and tracking changes easier)
- run
catkin_make .
thencatkin_make install
roslaunch catkin_ws/src/erstling/launch/nuke.launch
- if the Entire cospace program quits after starting the game that means that ai.c can't read/write the control files
- thanks to for stream-server