> I am aware of an issue where if you end up clicking the clown to close to the bottom of the screen to
This was a project I put together to gain some of the fundamentals of how Pygame mechanics work using with Python. I wanted to learn some basic fundamentals about adding player and object movement. This also taught me about loading music and images to my game along with a more in-depth knowledge about how a game loop works. This was a blast to make and an awesome learning opportunity for me to get a better understanding of how Pygame mechanics works and game design and lay is approached. In future projects I want to learn charter animation and more collision detection methods.
The game loop design was used from a UDEMY corse lead by Michael Eramo. This gme design is based off a game he created call Feed The Dragon and can be found in his corse call: The Art of Doing: Video Game Creation With Python and Pygame
If you are playing the game and come across any errors or have ideas on something that
would make the game better please let me know of by contacting me on any of my
social media sites:
Reddit: u/Dreadmoth_Studios
Twitter: @DreadmothStudio
Instagram: @dreadmoth_studios
Facebook: @dreadmoth.studios
Email: Dreadmothstudios@gmail.com