Plugin that lets you suspend local tmux session, so that you can work with nested remote tmux session painlessly.
With the default keybinding,
Press F12
to suspend your local tmux session. In suspeded state, you can only
interact with the currently active pane (which will be running the remote tmux session).
Press F12
again in suspended state to resume local tmux session.
Note: If you have tmux-mode-indicator plugin installed, it'll automatically show indicator for the suspended state.
Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager
Add this repository as a TPM plugin in your .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'MunifTanjim/tmux-suspend'
Press prefix + I
in Tmux environment to install it.
Clone this repository:
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-suspend
Add this line in your .tmux.conf
run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-suspend/suspend.tmux
Reload Tmux configuration file with:
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
The following configuration options are available:
Key used to suspend/resume local tmux session. This is not binded to any Prefix.
set -g @suspend_key 'F12'
Comma-seperated list of items denoting options to set for suspended state. These options will be automatically reverted when session is resumed.
set -g @suspend_suspended_options " \
@mode_indicator_custom_prompt:: ---- , \
@mode_indicator_custom_mode_style::bg=brightblack\\,fg=black, \
The syntax of each item is #{option_name}:#{option_flags}:#{option_value}
Item Segment | Description |
#{option_name} |
name of the option. |
#{option_flags} |
flags accepted by set-option , can be left empty. |
#{option_value} |
value of the option, commas (, ) inside value need to be escaped as \\, |
For example:
# remove colors from status line for suspended state
set -g @suspend_suspended_options " \
status-left-style::bg=brightblack\\,fg=black bold dim, \
window-status-current-style:gw:bg=brightblack\\,fg=black, \
window-status-last-style:gw:fg=brightblack, \
window-status-style:gw:bg=black\\,fg=brightblack, \
@mode_indicator_custom_prompt:: ---- , \
@mode_indicator_custom_mode_style::bg=brightblack\\,fg=black, \
These options can be set to arbritary commands to run when session is
suspended (@suspend_on_suspend_command
) or resumed (@suspend_on_resume_command
set -g @suspend_on_resume_command ""
set -g @suspend_on_suspend_command ""
For example, you can do the same thing that the default value of @suspend_suspended_options
does using these options instead:
set -g @suspend_suspended_options ""
set -g @suspend_on_resume_command "tmux \
set-option -uq '@mode_indicator_custom_prompt' \\; \
set-option -uq '@mode_indicator_custom_mode_style'"
set -g @suspend_on_suspend_command "tmux \
set-option -q '@mode_indicator_custom_prompt' ' ---- ' \\; \
set-option -q '@mode_indicator_custom_mode_style' 'bg=brightblack,fg=black'"
As you can see, it's more convenient to use @suspend_suspended_options
for setting
and reverting options.
Licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.