This is an experiment towards a Jupyter notebook authenticating to a SAML IdP.
- Python process spawns HTTP server
- PySAML integration interacts with the IdP
- Eventually, we store a SAML Response assertion and use that to access protected services.
Requires: Python3
git clone
cd saml
python3.6 -m venv <env>
source <env>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter notebook SAML_Authentication.ipynb
This should open a jupyter notebook window. Run the cells. Then, in a terminal window, run:
python localhost saml.xml
The client reads a SAML response from a file, packages that as a field in a posted JSON object and sends it to our server.
Currently, this produces an error in the notebook saying that the XML is not properly formed. So there's probably an easier way to do the post. If you see the problem, don't hesitate to point it out.