Voluntary translation project of SEKO, the Finnish medium of performance vocabulary. Purpose - to add Swedish and English skos:prefLabel and links to corresponding concepts in YSO, and Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music LCMPT and to Wikidata items with the corresponding SEKO-ID (P10063). See also LCMPT ID (P8516) and MIMO instrument ID (P3763), UNIMARC: Medium of Performance ID (P11214), MusicBrainz instrument ID (P1330).
Note! As of March 2023 the list of instrument names in Swedish is lacking 91 labels. 67 English labels are missing. MIMO may have some, but additional labels are needed.
Note! There are several possibly problematic concepts due to overlapping distribution of the same or similar instruments over several cultural and linguistic regions. Some concepts may need to be split up and some others should be joined to a single concept. These will be brought up as issues where they can be then discussed. See the list at https://github.com/NatLibFi/SEKO/issues
- LCMPT - https://id.loc.gov/authorities/performanceMediums.html
- UNIMARC: Medium of performance (mop) - https://www.iflastandards.info/unimarc/terms/mop?language=sv
- Wikidata - https://w.wiki/6Cn8
- Grove Music Online - https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic (paywall)
- MusicBrainz Instrument - https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Instrument
- MIMO - https://mimo-international.com/MIMO/
- MIMO Thesaurus of musical instrument names https://vocabulary.mimo-international.com/InstrumentsKeywords/en/
- hoorn.be - https://hoorn.be
- Hello Music Theory https://hellomusictheory.com/learn/instruments/
- Ethnomusicology https://content.lib.washington.edu/ethnomusicweb/
- Institute of Musical Instrument Technology https://www.imit.org.uk/pages/a-to-z-of-musical-instrument.html
- A to Z of percussion music https://www.percussion4u.co.uk/pages/a-to-z-of-percussion-instruments
- Cambridge UP: Appendix 1 - A Selective List of Vernacular Horns and Trumpets (paywall)
- Archive.org Marcuse, S. A survey of musical instruments (registration required)
- Virginia Tech: Comprehensive Table of Musical Instrument Classifications (Web archive)
- Smaller datasets
- Europe
- Minna Hokka https://minnahokka.com/ - traditional Finnish wind instruments
- Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments https://collections.ed.ac.uk/mimed/
- Folkdance footnotes https://folkdancefootnotes.org/music/musical-instruments/ (Don Buskirk's blog)
- Traditional musical instruments of Latvia https://www.tautasmuzikasinstrumenti.lv/ (project page)
- Musical Instruments in the Baltic Region http://www.music.lv/mukti/BalticMI.htm
- Traditional stringed instruments of Greece https://www.helleniccomserve.com/stringintruments.html
- Asia
- Sound of Asia https://www.soundofasia.com/ (Commercial company)
- Terms in North Indian music https://chandrakantha.com/glossary/
- Africa
- Percival Kirby Musical Instruments https://ibali.uct.ac.za/s/pkmi/ (University of Cape Town)
- Europe
- And many more...
For mapping purposes the appropriate concepts in SEKO3 could be marked as instances of bf:MusicEnsemble or bf:MusicInstrument or
# get all subclasses of "musical instrument" about 4300 and get identifiers from them
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
?item wdt:P279+ wd:Q34379.
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P10063 ?SEKO_ID. }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P8516 ?LCMPT_ID .}
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1330 ?MB_ID . }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P3763 ?MIMO_ID . }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P8591 ?GMO_ID . }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P11214 ?MOP_ID . }
- link to the above query https://w.wiki/6DFs
- musical instrument http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q34379
Work in process: view the masterdata Google sheet