The Project uses Git Submodules. Therefore you must clone the repository recursively. Otherwise the lib/* folders will be empty and compilation will not work.
git clone --recursive
As an alternative you could use GitHub-Desktop
The Project uses PlatformIO. If you have not installed it yet, follow instructions on
- Open the Project in PlatformIO and the necessary dependencies should be downloaded.
- Compile and upload project to esp8266
- Create your own
This config Example is not a valid config as the pins are used multiple times - Upload config as
to the ESP SPIFFS root:
- (option 1) Upload your config file to the esp using instructions at - (option 2) Upload the SPIFFS Image from the Arduino FSBrowser example and open
and upload your config there - (option 3) Upload my modified version of FSBrowser data from the releases using my ESP-Ota-UI Tool open the same URL as above
- Reboot ESP to load config
- Configure your Home Automation software to send correct packets over MQTT
(use retained messages for lights as the esp does not store the last power state)
- MQTT commands for lights follow the scheme:
cmnd/[mqtt.topic]/[lights[i].name]/rgb -> RED,GREEN,BLUE in range from 0 to 255
cmnd/[mqtt.topic]/[lights[i].name]/bri -> BRIGHTNESS in range from 0 to 255
cmnd/[mqtt.topic]/[lights[i].name]/power -> POWER as either ON or OFF
- For lights to turn on RGB, Brightness and Power State has to be initialized once