Installation, scripting, & data generation demo of computational micro and nanomagnetism in MuMax3. Formed & written by Onri Jay Benally, an Indigenous American quantum hardware engineer.
Main MuMax3 website: (
Uses code heavily-modified for clarity, inspired from: ( & (
Examples computed in this repository were performed on an Nvidia (RTX 4070 Ti Super) GPU, connected externally (via a Thunderbolt 4 to PCIe x16 adapter) to a Microsoft Surface Pro 8, later upgraded to a Surface Pro 10. If you are curious about this kind of GPU-accelerated computing setup, then it is best to make sure your Windows machine is Thunderbolt 4 compatible or greater.
Some Google Colab Notebooks | |
Run MuMax3 on the Cloud | |
Example of Data Imported From MuMax3 - Hysteresis Loop by Onri |
If MuMax3 is installed already, start the GUI by typing the following 2 lines into a non-admin command prompt or non-admin PowerShell:
cd <directory_to_your_MuMax3_file>
mumax3 -i <your_MuMax3_TXT_file_name.txt>
Note: MuMax3 scripts can be written as TXT file types. The above script will load and automatically run the script into a browser.
Online OVF file type visualization: ( While using the viewer, you can load multiple OVF files to play an animation of the magnetization frame capture.