API Gateway that connects Paidify client app to its services. It handles services availability by applying the SOA pattern Circuit Breaker.
You can clone this repsitory to get the source code
git clone https://github.com/Paidify/api-gateway.git
On the project root directory, run
npm start
This will start your server on port 3000
Method + Enpoint | Resource | JSON Body Fields | Auth |
GET /monitor | Show services and instances registered | ||
POST /register | Register instance | service, url (e.g. https://paidify-queries.azurewebsites.net) | |
DELETE /unregister/:id | Unregister instance by id | ||
PUT /enable/:id | Enable or disable service by id | enabled (0, 1) |
All endpoints from services (from now on) on begin with the API Gateway version (currently, /v1). Whenever authentication is required, a token should be through the Authorization header with the Bearer schema.
Method + Enpoint | Resource | JSON Body Fields | Auth |
POST /login | Authentication with access token as response | username, password |
Method + Enpoint | Resource | JSON Body Fields | Auth |
GET /pay-concepts | Get all payment concepts available | ||
GET /pay-concepts/:id | Get payment concept by id [1-30] | ||
GET /pay-concept-persons | Get all payment concepts available for users | admin | |
GET /pay-concept-persons/:id | Get payment concept by id available for user | admin | |
GET /pay-methods | Get all payment methods registered by users | admin | |
GET /pay-methods/:id | Get payment method by id | admin | |
GET /payments | Get all payments (pending or settled) | admin | |
GET /payments/:id | Get payment by id | admin | |
GET /pay-reqs | Get pending payments | admin | |
GET /pay-reqs/:id | Get pending payment by id | admin | |
GET /pay-settled | Get payments settled (successful or rejected) | admin | |
GET /pay-settled/:id | Get payment settled by id | admin | |
GET /invoices | Get all invoices (for successful payments) | admin | |
GET /invoices/:id | Get invoice by id | admin | |
GET /guests | Get all people who paid without being users | admin | |
GET /guests/:id | Get guest by id | admin | |
GET /users | Get all people who paid without being users | admin | |
GET /users/:id | Get user by id | user, admin | |
GET /users/:id/pay-methods | Get payment methods from user | user, admin | |
GET /users/:id/pay-methods/:id | Get payment method by id from user | user, admin | |
POST /users/:id/pay-methods | Create payment method | card_number, card_type (credit, debit), owner | user |
DELETE /users/:id/pay-methods/:id | Delete payment method by id | user | |
GET /users/:id/pay-concept-persons | Get payment concepts available for user | user, admin | |
GET /users/:id/pay-concept-persons/:id | Get payment concept by id available for user | user, admin | |
GET /users/:id/payments | Get payments from user (pending or settled) | user, admin | |
GET /users/:id/payments/:id | Get payment by id from user | user, admin | |
GET /users/:id/invoices | Get invoices (for successful payments) from user | user, admin | |
GET /users/:id/invoices/:id | Get invoice by id from user | user, admin |
Method + Enpoint | Resource | JSON Body Fields | Auth |
POST /pay | Make a payment | date, num_installments, campus_id, payment_concept_id, cvv, exp_year, exp_month, first_name, last_name, email, doc_number, doc_type, card_number, card_type, owner |
Method + Enpoint | Resource | JSON Body Fields | Auth |
POST /pay | Make a payment | date, num_installments, campus_id, payment_concept_id, cvv, exp_year, exp_month, payment_method_id, user_id |
Method + Enpoint | Resource | JSON Body Fields | Auth |
POST /check-balance | Check cards balance | user_id, card_numbers (array) |