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Radio and audio file player (from SD card) controlled by ESP32. Exclusively with I2S output.


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    First of all, it is worth mentioning that this project would probably never have been created without the popular project ESP32Radio-V2 by Edzelf. I am very grateful to the author for it and thank him for his work. Originally, of course, I took over the original project in its unchanged form, but very soon it stopped being convenient for me. I especially disliked the fact that the display did not display characters with diacritics.
    The second biggest problem for me was the functioning of the file player from the SD card. One of my requirements for the device was that it should allow listening to audiobooks. In this case, however, the files need to be played in a defined (i.e. alphabetical) order. But that did not work with the original SW. After copying the files from the HDD to the SD card, the files were always arranged in a kind of random order and listening to the individual parts in the correct order was very complicated (the correct part had to be selected manually).
    In addition to the two problems mentioned above, there were a number of other small things that I imagined to work differently. For example, I can mention a function that ensured that the last station listened to was always played after switching on (and with the last volume level used). But that did not suit me at all, I prefer that a default station (with the default volume) be played after switching on the device. I also planned to add some new functions that the original design did not have. In particular, I wanted the radio to be able to be turned on and off by pressing one (same) button and for the radio to have a sleep function (i.e. automatic shutdown after a set time).
    Despite the above facts, I took over several things from the original ESP32Radio-V2 project almost unchanged and my work was thus made easier.
    The website design, the way the ESP32 communicates with the computer (via a web browser), and a few other solutions (like how to upgrade or work with the configuration file) are taken from the esp-rfid project. I have used it in several projects and it exactly suits my needs and ideas.
    Complete project documentation can be found in the UserGuide_EN.pdf file.

A few differences from Edzelf's ESP32Radio:

  1. There is no support for OLED displays. The options are either TFT display or none
  2. The SD card is not connected in SPI mode, but in 1-bit SD mode (the SD_MMC.h library is used)
  3. It cannot be controlled using MQTT, nor via commands via the serial port
  4. SPIFFS is not used, but LittleFS
  5. The device configuration is not stored in the NVS partition, but as a file in the SPIFFS partition (which is actually of the LittleFS type)
  6. The last played station and volume are not remembered. After power on/reset, the default volume is used and the default station is played
  7. No deep sleep mode is used, but a real physical shutdown of the power supply (so the display, DAC and amplifier are also turned off)
  8. The device also has an automatic power off function after a set time (so-called sleep timer)
  9. Wider support for audio formats (audio files with mp3, m4a, ogg, aac, wav and flac formats can be played)
  10. More comfortable audio player. Supports common commands such as pause/play, stop, jump forward and backward. The display and the web page show the current position
  11. In the tracklist.dat file, all files (within one folder) are sorted alphabetically, so there is no problem with playing audio books (but it is possible to select the playback mode in random order)
  12. Wider support for infrared remote control protocols (and therefore also controllers) and a much more comfortable way of learning commands
  13. The number of radio station presets is also limited to 99. However, each preset can be selected (using the remote control) by its number (of course, not only a single-digit but also a two-digit number !)
  14. Characters with diacritics (such as č, ř, ä, ü, etc.) are displayed normally (i.e. including diacritics), so that the texts are easier to read
  15. The station name is displayed as defined by the user in the preset list, not as presented in the metadata
  16. Texts are displayed in a significantly larger font. If the text does not fit on one line, scrolling text is used
  17. OTA via web interface. The user can use the device's built-in web server to:
       A. find out that there is a new release
       B. download the new release to the computer (however, unpacking the downloaded ZIP file must be done outside the web interface)
       C. perform an upgrade

Display and embedded web server preview

For illustration, you can see three photos of the display. You may be surprised to see that some of the text lines are blurred. The explanation is simple. This is scrolling text, because otherwise it wouldn't fit on the display!
The first picture shows the radio playing, the second shows a file playing from an SD card, and the third shows the clock.

Radio player SD player Clock

There's no need to describe the appearance of the web interface. You can learn much more from a few screenshots.


As you can see in the screenshots, the user has quite a lot of freedom in connection - he can set most of the GPIO via the web interface. The exception is these three GPIO groups:

  1. Display connection (SPI signals are fixed by the manufacturer and control signals are set in platformio.ini - forced by the used TFT_eSPI library)
  2. Selection of ADC channel for battery measurement (I chose channel adc1-0, which corresponds to GPIO 36)
  3. SD card connection in 1-bit SD mode (fixed by the manufacturer)

It is therefore obvious that the interested party can try out most of the SW functions even without an "official" printed circuit board.

Development with VS Code and PlatformIO

    I use VS Code/PlatformIO as a development environment. Using the platformio.ini file, it is possible to create several software variants by specifying or not specifying the so-called "build-flag". The DATAWEB, SDCARD, BATTERY, AUTOSHUTDOWN and OTA build-flags are particularly important.
    ● Using the DATAWEB build-flag, the SW is compiled in a version that has the web server files stored in the "LittleFS" file system area, while without the DATAWEB parameter, the SW is compiled in a version in which the web server files are stored in the program memory (using the PROGMEM attribute) in the form of variables. I call the first version data for short, the second webh. The data variant is intended primarily for the development phase (but nothing prevents it from being used as a production one), while the webh variant is intended exclusively as a production one and it is more or less impossible to develop with it.
    ● Using the SDCARD build-flag, support for the SD card file player function is enabled. Without using the aforementioned build-flag, the device is only able to play radio stations.
    ● Using the BATTERY build-flag, support for the supply voltage measurement function is enabled. This is of course suitable in the case of battery power. The display then shows the charge level.
    ● Using the AUTOSHUTDOWN build-flag, the support of the function that allows the device to be turned on and off with one button and also the sleep function (adjustable automatic shutdown time) is enabled. Of course, the condition is that the HW is equipped with the necessary circuit.
    ● Using the OTA build-flag, the function that allows a comfortable upgrade from the web interface is enabled. See the Upgrade chapter in the documentation file UserGuide_EN.pdf.
4 types of “envs” are also prepared in the platformio.ini file. With them, you can select both the development kit variant (4 or 8 MB) and the SW variant with or without a display. So, 4 combinations in total (noota4mb, wota8mb, noota4mbnod and wota8mbnod). The relevant “env” version is selected by commenting/uncommenting in the [platformio] section.

Using the DATAWEB build-flag, I proceed as follows when developing the SW:

  1. Development takes place exclusively in the software data variant (the DATAWEB build-flag is used in the platformio.ini file). After editing the source files, compilation is performed in the usual way and the device is upgraded via the USB (serial) port.
  2. If it is necessary to edit the *.html or *.js files of the web server to fix or add a function, you need to open the page http://IP_address_of_the_device/edit. For this to work, the PC must be connected to the Internet. The online library "ace" ( Cloud9 Editor) is used for editing. For more information, see
  3. Once the required functionality has been achieved using steps 1 and 2, the webh variant of the software can be created. This is done by running the user script Download FS & Create WEBH, which is available via the PROJECT TASKS/selected_env_version/Custom menu. This will transform the web server files (from the LittleFS file system) into webh files. The utility "pio-esp32-esp8266-filesystem-downloader" by maxgerhardt is used to download the file system image and extract it.
  4. Switch to webh variant (in the platformio.ini file, the build-flag DATAWEB needs to be removed [commented out]) and compile. The resulting image firmware_WEBH_XXX.bin (created during the compilation process) can be found in the /bin/selected_env_version directory. The version designation XXX is also set as a “build-flag” in the platformio.ini file before compilation.

How to install

Experienced Tinkerers who have installed VS Code with PlatformIO supplement and normally use it probably do not need any other advice. Everything is described in the previous text. However, there may be some less experienced users who are interested in trying the project and do not need to make their own modifications. In this case, they can use pre-compiled binaries and install them in ESP32 without VS Code/Platformio. The procedure is as follows (valid only to Windows users):

  1. The default assumption is that the development kit is connected to the USB port of your computer and you know the number of (virtual) COM port. Suppose it's a COM10
  2. Download the latest and unpack the ZIP file to some suitable (work) folder
  3. In the selected folder, the bin folder appears that contains everything you need
  4. Open the command line window (cmd.exe) so that you are in the above folder bin
  5. Enter the flash.bat command. The following offer should appear:

Flash menu

  1. Select the desired firmware version (ie press the appropriate number) and then press Enter
  2. You will then be prompted to enter a COM port. Write the corresponding name (by example in point 1 it would be COM10) and press Enter
  3. There should be installed the necessary SW into ESP32
  4. After completion you can continue according to the First start chapter

Note: I strongly recommend development kits with 8MB memory. This will greatly facilitate any subsequent upgrades, as the configuration will remain in force even after the upgrade. On the other hand, in the case of 4MB development kits, the configuration is deleted (during upgrade) and must be done again. Of course, it is possible to make it easier when you make a backup first and make a restore after upgrading. In the test phase, the 4MB version is also convenient, everything should work normally.

First start

When the device is started for the first time, it runs in default settings and in AP mode. On the PC, connect to the RadioESP32 network and in the browser to the address A web page should appear through which the device settings need to be made.

Design of the device

The circuit diagram and printed circuit board were created using the Eagle design system.

Wiring diagram

Wiring diagram

Printed circuit board

PCB top side PCB bottom side

Choice of components

In the first phase of development, I used the VS1053 module (as a DAC) following Edzelf's example. It worked well, but I found this solution unnecessarily expensive and quite problematic (for example, I once accidentally bought a VS1003 instead and it didn't work well). That's why I completely abandoned this path and switched exclusively to a solution with I2S. As the basis for the SW, I chose the excellent ESP32‑audioI2S library from the author shreibfaul1. This led to the need to use a type of ESP32 development kit that is equipped with PSRAM memory. Without this memory, no more complex project can be created with the library, and you will soon run into a lack of RAM. For this reason, I chose a WROVER development kit. It should also be noted right at the beginning that the chip revision must be at least Rev 3. I found that older revisions do not work well. I also recommend using the module version with 8MB memory. Regular versions with 4MB memory can also be used, but this means that the possibility of a convenient upgrade from the web environment is lost. This has already been explained in more detail in the previous text.
Note: The printed circuit board also includes the possibility of using external PSRAM memory, but this is not installed when using the WROVER kit, it is already present on the mentioned kit.

SuperMini top side SuperMini bottom side

I decided that the basic supply voltage of the device will be 12V, because it can be very well implemented with three 18650 Lion cells. However, the ESP32 development kit requires a voltage of 5V (as well as some other components) and therefore it is necessary to use a suitable step-down module. I chose the Mini560 module, which is sufficiently dimensioned (both voltage and current) and is equipped with an EN input (necessary for my needs).

Step-down converter top side PStep-down converter bottom side

Originally (like Edzelf) I kept the option to choose between OLED and TFT display when compiling the software. But I finally gave up and OLED displays are no longer supported at all. So there are only two options - either a TFT display or none. I used a display with a diagonal of 1.77 inches and a resolution of 160x128. However, it should not be a problem to use any other one, supported by the TFT_eSPI library.

TFT - top side TFT - bottom side

The essential part of the device is the digital to analog (DAC) converter. I chose a module with the PCM5102A chip, which suited me due to its dimensions and also because the audio output is not only connected to a jack connector, but also to a pin header. This greatly simplifies the connection of the converter to the motherboard.

DAC - top side DAC - bottom side

As an amplifier, I chose the PAM8406 type, which is powerful enough, works with a 5V supply voltage, and can be easily soldered by hand. This amplifier has one more advantage - it can operate in either class D or AB. I have kept the option of choosing on the printed circuit board as well - the mode is selected by placing the jumper.


It is necessary to include isolation transformers between the DAC and the amplifier to break the ground loop and prevent unpleasant interference. I chose transformers that are only 9.1mm high and fit well between the converter board and the motherboard.

Isolation transformers Isolation transformer

An important part of the device is also a rotary encoder. I used a completely common and cheap type EC11.
An obvious requirement for the device's function was also the possibility of control via infrared control. I tried the VS1838B type as a receiver and it worked well.
Finally, it was necessary to solve the method of connecting the supply voltage and speakers to the motherboard. I wanted to avoid terminal blocks with screws and therefore I chose faston connectors with a width of 4.8mm.

Rotary encoder Infrared receiver Faston connector

Assembled board

Finally, you can see a few pictures of the printed circuit board completely assembled and including the installed subboards (ESP32 development kit and DAC).



The code parts written by the author of the RadioESP32 project are licensed under GPL-3.0, 3rd party libraries that are used by this project are licensed under different license schemes, please check them out as well.