It's E-commerce website Where you can buy stuff especially for Clothing stuff,It's clone of myntra website.
** The Idea**
We are pursuing a Full Stack Web Development course at Masai school, In Masai school, we have given a project to clone myntra website. It was a pretty good project to work on. Let's look at how I designed it
Deployed Link:
Client: Angular
Server: Node.js | Express.js
Database: MongoDB
npm packages: bcrypt | cors | dotev | express | jsonwebtoken | mongodb | mongoose
github: To maintain repository and collabration and version control.
VS Code: To write Angular code.
Google Chrome : To check the functionality and run the code.
- npm
npm install
Clone the repo
git clone
Run api only
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to backend run in the browser
- Home Page
- Login/Signup
- Product Page
- Cart Page
- View detail Page
- Checkout Page
- Order Page
- Authentication using JWT
- Razorpay implementation
- MongoDB
- Add to cart
- Filter and search products by color and price
- Buy any product
- User can see orderlist
Yes, You Can login or logout
No, You Can't, first Have to login
Yes, It's totally responsive
For support, email or join our Slack channel.