This package allows you to manage user permissions and roles in your database.
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Import permify.
import permify ``
Initialize the new Permify.
// initialize the database. (you can use all gorm's supported databases)
db, _ := gorm.Open(mysql.Open("user:password@tcp(host:3306)/db?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"), &gorm.Config{})
// New initializer for Permify
// If migration is true, it generate all tables in the database if they don't exist.
permify, _ := permify.New(permify.Options{
Migrate: true,
DB: db,
This package allows users to be associated with permissions and roles. Each role is associated with multiple permissions.
// CreateRole create new role.
// Name parameter is converted to guard name. example: senior $#% associate -> senior-associate.
// If a role with the same name has been created before, it will not create it again. (FirstOrCreate)
// First parameter is role name, second parameter is role description.
err := permify.CreateRole("admin", "role description")
// CreatePermission create new permission.
// Name parameter is converted to guard name. example: create $#% contact -> create-contact.
// If a permission with the same name has been created before, it will not create it again. (FirstOrCreate)
err := permify.CreatePermission("edit user details", "")
Permissions can be added to a role using AddPermissionsToRole method in different ways:
// first parameter is role id
err := permify.AddPermissionsToRole(1, "edit user details")
// or
err := permify.AddPermissionsToRole("admin", []string{"edit user details", "create contact"})
// or
err := permify.AddPermissionsToRole("admin", []uint{1, 3})
With using these methods you can remove and overwrite permissions:
// overwrites the permissions of the role according to the permission names or ids.
err := permify.ReplacePermissionsToRole("admin", []string{"edit user details", "create contact"})
// remove permissions from role according to the permission names or ids.
err := permify.RemovePermissionsFromRole("admin", []string{"edit user details"})
Basic fetch queries:
// Fetch all the roles. (with pagination option).
// If withPermissions is true, it will preload the permissions to the role.
// If pagination is nil, it returns without paging.
roles, totalCount, err := permify.GetAllRoles(options.RoleOption{
WithPermissions: true,
Pagination: &utils.Pagination{
Page: 1,
Limit: 1,
// without paging.
roles, totalCount, err := permify.GetAllRoles(options.RoleOption{
WithPermissions: false,
// The data returned is a collection of roles.
// Collections provides a fluent convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data.
// Fetch all permissions of the user that come with direct and roles.
permissions, _ := permify.GetAllPermissionsOfUser(1)
// Fetch all direct permissions of the user. (with pagination option)
permissions, totalCount, err := permify.GetDirectPermissionsOfUser(1, options.PermissionOption{
Pagination: &utils.Pagination{
Page: 1,
Limit: 10,
// does the role or any of the roles have given permission?
can, err := permify.RoleHasPermission("admin", "edit user details")
// does the role or roles have any of the given permissions?
can, err := permify.RoleHasAnyPermissions([]string{"admin", "manager"}, []string{"edit user details", "create contact"})
// does the role or roles have all the given permissions?
can, err := permify.RoleHasAllPermissions("admin", []string{"edit user details", "create contact"})
// does the user have the given permission? (including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasPermission(1, "edit user details")
// does the user have the given permission? (not including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasDirectPermission(1, "edit user details")
// does the user have any of the given permissions? (including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasAnyPermissions(1, []uint{1, 2})
// does the user have all the given roles?
can, err := permify.UserHasAllRoles(1, []string{"admin", "manager"})
// does the user have any of the given roles?
can, err := permify.UserHasAnyRoles(1, []string{"admin", "manager"})
Add roles to user according to the role names or ids:
// add one role to user
err := permify.AddRolesToUser(1, "admin")
// you can also add multiple roles at once
err := permify.AddRolesToUser(1, []string{"admin", "manager"})
// or
err := permify.AddRolesToUser(1, []uint{1,2})
Replace the roles of the user according to the role names or ids:
// remove all user roles and add admin role
err := permify.ReplaceRolesToUser(1, "admin")
// you can also replace multiple roles at once
err := permify.ReplaceRolesToUser(1, []string{"admin", "manager"})
// or
err := permify.RemoveRolesFromUser(1, []uint{1,2})
Remove the roles of the user according to the role names or ids:
// remove one role to user
err := permify.RemoveRolesFromUser(1, "admin")
// you can also remove multiple roles at once
err := permify.RemoveRolesFromUser(1, []string{"admin", "manager"})
// or
err := permify.RemoveRolesFromUser(1, []uint{1,2})
Control Roles
// does the user have the given role?
can, err := permify.UserHasRole(1, "admin")
// does the user have all the given roles?
can, err := permify.UserHasAllRoles(1, []string{"admin", "manager"})
// does the user have any of the given roles?
can, err := permify.UserHasAnyRoles(1, []string{"admin", "manager"})
Get User's Roles
roles, totalCount, err := permify.GetRolesOfUser(1, options.RoleOption{
WithPermissions: true, // preload role's permissions
Pagination: &utils.Pagination{
Page: 1,
Limit: 1,
// the data returned is a collection of roles.
// Collections provides a fluent convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data.
Add Permissions to Roles
// add one permission to role
// first parameter can be role name or id, second parameter can be permission name(s) or id(s).
err := permify.AddPermissionsToRole("admin", "edit contact details")
// you can also add multiple permissions at once
err := permify.AddPermissionsToRole("admin", []string{"edit contact details", "delete user"})
// or
err := permify.AddPermissionsToRole("admin", []uint{1, 2})
Remove Permissions from Roles
// remove one permission to role
err := permify.RemovePermissionsFromRole("admin", "edit contact details")
// you can also add multiple permissions at once
err := permify.RemovePermissionsFromRole("admin", []string{"edit contact details", "delete user"})
// or
err := permify.RemovePermissionsFromRole("admin", []uint{1, 2})
Control Role's Permissions
// does the role or any of the roles have given permission?
can, err := permify.RoleHasPermission([]string{"admin", "manager"}, "edit contact details")
// does the role or roles have all the given permissions?
can, err := permify.RoleHasAllPermissions("admin", []string{"edit contact details", "delete contact"})
// does the role or roles have any of the given permissions?
can, err := permify.RoleHasAnyPermissions(1, []string{"edit contact details", "delete contact"})
Get Role's Permissions
permissions, totalCount, err := permify.GetPermissionsOfRoles([]string{"admin", "manager"}, options.PermissionOption{
Pagination: &utils.Pagination{
Page: 1,
Limit: 1,
// the data returned is a collection of permissions.
// Collections provides a fluent convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data.
Add direct permission or permissions to user according to the permission names or ids.
// add one permission to user
err := permify.AddPermissionsToUser(1, "edit contact details")
// you can also add multiple permissions at once
err := permify.AddPermissionsToUser(1, []string{"edit contact details", "create contact"})
// or
err := permify.AddPermissionsToUser(1, []uint{1,2})
Remove the roles of the user according to the role names or ids:
// remove one role to user
err := permify.RemovePermissionsFromUser(1, "edit contact details")
// you can also remove multiple permissions at once
err := permify.RemovePermissionsFromUser(1, []string{"edit contact details", "create contact"})
// or
err := permify.RemovePermissionsFromUser(1, []uint{1,2})
Control Permissions
// does the user have the given permission? (including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasPermission(1, "edit contact details")
// does the user have all the given permissions? (including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasAllPermissions(1, []string{"edit contact details", "delete contact"})
// does the user have any of the given permissions? (including the permissions of the roles).
can, err := permify.UserHasAnyPermissions(1, []string{"edit contact details", "delete contact"})
// does the user have the given permission? (not including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasDirectPermission(1, "edit contact details")
// does the user have all the given permissions? (not including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasAllDirectPermissions(1, []string{"edit contact details", "delete contact"})
// does the user have any of the given permissions? (not including the permissions of the roles)
can, err := permify.UserHasAnyDirectPermissions(1, []string{"edit contact details", "delete contact"})
Get User's All Permissions
permissions, err := permify.GetAllPermissionsOfUser(1)
// the data returned is a collection of permissions.
// Collections provides a fluent convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data.
Get User's Direct Permissions
permissions, totalCount, err := permify.GetDirectPermissionsOfUser(1, options.PermissionOption{
Pagination: &utils.Pagination{
Page: 1,
Limit: 10,
// the data returned is a collection of permissions.
// Collections provides a fluent convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data.
You can create the relationships between the user and the role and permissions in this manner. In this way:
- You can manage user preloads
- You can create foreign key between users and pivot tables (user_roles, user_permissions).
import (
models ``
type User struct {
Name string
// permify
Roles []models.Role `gorm:"many2many:user_roles;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE"`
Permissions []models.Permission `gorm:"many2many:user_permissions;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE"`
You can use error handling in the same way as gorm. for example:
// check if returns RecordNotFound error
permission, err := permify.GetPermission(1)
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
// record not found
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