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Allows users to extract information from MISP using the API.

Compatible with python 2 and 3


To install the dependencies, run pip install -r requirements.txt for python2, and pip3 install -r requirements.txt for python3

For ease of use, you can either put your MISP url and key in the script (hard coded), or add them to your environment variables (misp_key and misp_url). If you don't want to, you can pass them to the script with -u (URL), -k (key)


Fetching info

bin/MISP-Extractor.pyis the main script, that extracts information from the MISP API, and saves the output as a CSV file. The output can be a file, or stdout.

Extract info

Using the -d tag, you can extract the following information with this script:

  • domains - Malicious domains and IP addresses
  • hashes - Hashes of payloads and artifacts of malicious code
  • filenames - Names of malicious files
  • snort - Snort rules to help identify malicious behavior
  • yara - Yara rules to help identify malicious behavior


Using the -A tag, you can filter on analysis level (0: Initial, 1: Ongoing, 2: Completed)

Using the -T tag, you can filter on threat level (4: Undefined, 3: Low, 2: Medium, 1: High)

By default, the data is only 5 days old. You can manipulate this using the -s tag. You can use (m)inutes, (h)ours, (d)ays or "all" for all data.


By default the script outputs to stdout. Using the -o tag, you can output to a file. The format is CSV, and the separator by default is ,. You can change the separator by using the -S tag. By default, there are no headers to the output. If you want to add them, use the -H tag.

Automating tasks with MISP data

sbin/ is a wrapper that stores a specified amount of data in a local sqlite database, based on the age of the data (similar to the MISP-Extractor). It is able to execute commands, based on the type and age of the data, and stores everything in a single database file. It is perfect for scheduled tasks, like a daily check of your proxy logs against known bad domains.

Creating a database

Creating a database exists of two steps: creating the database and adding commands. The latter is optional. To create the database, call sbin/ with parameters -l and -d, and the path where you want to create the database.

Commands to execute on the data

If you want to execute commands based on the data, you can add commands to the database using the sbin/ script. To add a command, choose the -a option, and specify your command using -c, the datatype with -t and the dataset with -s. Examples are:

  • python sbin/ -c "rm /tmp/infected_domains /tmp/IPs_responding" -t initial -s new
  • python sbin/ -c "echo '%hit%' >> /tmp/infected_domains" -t domain -s new
  • python sbin/ -c "ping -W 1 -c 1 %hit% | grep 'bytes from' | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -d':' -f1 >> /tmp/IPs_responding" -t ip-dst -s all
  • python sbin/ -c "python /tmp/infected_domains" -t final -s new

Note: Currently, we only support one command per type, per set. If you have more, the last one will be used. This may be changed in the future.

Note: Commands of the type initial get executed before iterating over the data, final commands at the end. All others will be run while iterating over the data, if the type matches.

Note: If you want to only create the database, without pulling the data yet, use the -C tag


The commands will have a certain set of modifiers you can use. The current supported modiefiers are:

  • %hit% - gets replaced with the data stored (e.g.
  • %type% - gets replaced with the type of the data (e.g. hostname)
  • %day% - gets replaced with the current day at time of init
  • %month% - gets replaced with the current month at time of init
  • %year% - gets replaced with the current year at time of init
  • %hour% - gets replaced with the current hour at time of init
  • %minute% - gets replaced with the current minute at time of init
  • %second% - gets replaced with the current second at time of init
  • %path% - gets replaced with the full path to the folder of the scripts

Using the data

Once your database is ready, run the same script using only the database as the argument. -k and -u are, as with all scripts, optional, if you do not have your MISP credentials stored in your environment variables. -U will only update the data, without running the commands.


  • Check your proxy logs for possible infected machines
  • Check hashes of potentially malicious attachments in mails
  • Analyze your network traffic for suspicious behavior


This software is licensed under the "Original BSD License".

(c) 2015  Pieter-Jan Moreels


Extract information from MISP via the API






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