The goal of this project is to classify images into Benign or Malignant category.
streamlit run
Gemini-based AI agent to assess skin lesions using the ABCDE criteria — Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter, and Evolution/Elevation. The agent not only evaluates each criterion but also provides clear, patient-friendly explanations, making complex medical insights accessible and understandable.
First look at some images from the dataset
One can see three main challenges in our dataset:
Hair occlusion: Visible hair strands obscure important lesion features
Artificial borders: Black circular borders around lesions create non-biological patterns
Imbalanced classes: Uneven distribution between benign and malignant samples may bias the model
To combat this issue created an adaptive DullRazor algorithm combined with few other image processing techniques to effectively remove hair while preserving crucial lesion details.
I implemented EfficientNet-B0 with Focal Loss to address the class imbalance problem. The training approach uses discriminative learning rates - lower rates for pre-trained backbone layers and higher rates for the classifier layers.
For optimization, I employed AdamW with weight decay and OneCycleLR scheduling, which gradually increases learning rate during the first 30% of training before decreasing it, allowing for efficient convergence while maintaining stability.
Data augmentation techniques include random horizontal and vertical flips (20% probability each), slight rotations (±10°), random translations (up to 10%), scale variations (90-110%), and color jittering to improve model robustness and prevent overfitting. Images were resized to 232px and center-cropped to 224px before normalization using ImageNet statistics.
I was able to achieve 94.6% accuracy in Test dataset
Class | Precision | Recall |
Benign | 0.936 | 0.957 |
Malignant | 0.956 | 0.935 |
Overall Accuracy: 0.946
The preprocessed skin cancer dataset (with hair removal and border smoothening applied) is available for download:
To train the skin cancer classification model on your dataset:
python skin_classifier/ --root_dir /path/to/your/processed/dataset
To evaluate the model on test data:
python skin_classifier/ --model_path /path/to/your/model.pth --test_dir /path/to/test/data
Please refer to the code for more customizable arguments and advanced configuration options.