A Vue 3 starter template or boilerplate for your new Vue projects using Vite.
🎨 TailwindCSS and HeadlessUI
🌙 Switch Theme (light and dark)
🔥 Use the new
<script setup>
syntax -
Code Styling with Eslint and Prettier
🚀 CI/CD with GitHub Actions
☁️ Deploy on Netlify, zero-config
🌍 Internationalization with I18n
📡 Http request with axios
This template requires Node version >=14
- Clone this project to local
- Install all dependencies
yarn install
- Start development server
yarn dev
and openhttp://localhost:3000
in your browser - Unit test using
yarn test:unit
and E2E test usingyarn test:e2e
- Build the project using
yarn build
and useyarn start
to start production server
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
There are 2 way to upload to netlify within this project. You can use CI/CD for auto deploy, or deploy it directly to netlify
- Create new Netlify project and add your repository to it
- Inside Netlify dashboard, go to site settings and copy
inside Site Information menu (save it on notepad or anything else) - Click your profile -> open
user settings
-> Applications -> ClickNew access token
-> genereate -> and copy the token - Go to Github profile settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access token -> Generate new token -> copy it
- Then, go to your github project repository -> Settings -> Secrets -> Actions -> and add 3 new repository secret
- Save it, and try to push new commit to your repository (the CI/CD scripts will automatically run, and if there's no error in testing, it will automatically deploy your project to netlify)
- Go to Netlify dashboard and create new project
- Sync it with your repo and wait a minute for netlify to auto-deploy the project
You can find Tailwindcss import in :
For custom styles, you can add it in :
We are using Vueuse to toggle DarkMode, you can find it in :
How to use :
<script setup lang="ts">
import { toggleDark } from '@/composables'
<button @click="toggleDark()">Toggle Theme</button>
We use axios for HTTP request, because it's more easy to use then javascript fetch()
To use this you need to create a service and then you can call it in store or component
Example use :
import axios from 'axios'
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com',
timeout: 10000,
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
export default {
apiGetAllUsers() {
return instance.get('/users')
call apiGetAllUsers
in store
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import ApiService from '@/services/ApiService'
import { User } from '../types'
export const useUserStore = defineStore({
id: 'user',
state: () => ({
users: [] as User[],
actions: {
getAllUser() {
return ApiService.apiGetAllUsers()
.then((response) => {
this.users = response.data
.catch((error) => {
throw error
Internationalization is a plugin that allows you to switch between languages. this lib in :
To use this plugin, is quite easy, you just need to add new translation on locales (if you want to add another language just create a new file), and then you can import it and use it in component like this:
title: Vue 3 Vite Starter
<script setup lang="ts">
const { t } = useI18n()
<h1>{{ t('app.title') }}</h1>
here are the config in vite.config.js
import VueI18n from '@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
imports: [
// add vue-i18n for auto importing
dts: 'src/auto-imports.d.ts',
eslintrc: {
enabled: true, // Default `false`
// vue i18n config here
// https://github.com/intlify/bundle-tools/tree/main/packages/vite-plugin-vue-i18n
runtimeOnly: true,
compositionOnly: true,
include: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'locales/**')],
resolve: {
alias: {
'@': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url)),
This project is using unplugin-icons with unplugin-vue-components for auto importing
You can see collection icon list in : https://icones.js.org/
In this project, prefix is configured to "Icon", here are example use of it :
<IconProviderIconName />
<IconMdiChevronDown />
<IconLogoGoogleIcon />
you can see the config of this in vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
resolvers: [
prefix: 'Icon',
directoryAsNamespace: true,
dts: 'src/components.d.ts',
We use unplugin-auto-import
for API auto importing, you can also use this to import API in package. Here are the example of configuration :
// targets to transform
include: [
/\.[tj]sx?$/, // .ts, .tsx, .js, .jsx
/\.vue\?vue/, // .vue
/\.md$/, // .md
// global imports to register
imports: [
// presets
// custom
'@vueuse/core': [
// named imports
'useMouse', // import { useMouse } from '@vueuse/core',
// alias
['useFetch', 'useMyFetch'], // import { useFetch as useMyFetch } from '@vueuse/core',
'[package-name]': [
// alias
['[from]', '[alias]'],
// Generate corresponding .eslintrc-auto-import.json file.
// eslint globals Docs - https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/language-options#specifying-globals
eslintrc: {
enabled: false, // Default `false`
filepath: './.eslintrc-auto-import.json', // Default `./.eslintrc-auto-import.json`
globalsPropValue: true, // Default `true`, (true | false | 'readonly' | 'readable' | 'writable' | 'writeable')
// custom resolvers
// see https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-auto-import/pull/23/
resolvers: [
/* ... */
This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2022 Rafli Surya Pratama. For more information see the LICENSE file.