A repo dedicated to Luke and Reef's fortnightly programming challenges
You and your friend Luke are tasked with creating a program that displays pictures of platypuses to users. Your program should allow users to view pictures of platypuses, as well as add and delete pictures from the collection.
Main Challenge:
10 points
5 points
Bonus 1:
2 points
Bonus 2:
2 points
Mini Bonus:
1 point
Your program should meet the following requirements:
- Display a menu to the user with the following options:
- View pictures of platypuses
- Add a new picture of a platypus
- Delete a picture of a platypus
- Quit the program
- The program should be able to store pictures of platypuses and display them to the user.
- The program should allow users to add new pictures of platypuses to the collection.
- The program should allow users to delete pictures of platypuses from the collection.
For an extra challenge, you can add the following features to your program:
- Allow users to view pictures of platypuses in a slideshow.
- Add a rating system to each picture of a platypus, and allow users to sort the pictures by rating.
For a small bonus, add the ability for users to edit the metadata for each picture of a platypus (e.g. title, description, date taken).
For another small bonus, allow users to import/export pictures of platypuses from/to a file (e.g. CSV, JSON).
For a very small bonus, add a feature that displays a random picture of a platypus each time the program is run.